to vent. As noted in my header, I am a band mom or more specifically the Band Booster President for this season. Which has just started and I am already over these people. I swear, I do not have the patience to do this and why the hell I signed up I will never figure out.
Note I'm annoyed daily by the other parents and their lack of participation (THEY ARE YOUR KIDS!! HELLO! TAKE AN INTEREST) but here's today's annoyance.
We had a fundraiser in conjunction with a local grocery store's grand opening. If we had two volunteers sit at a table and offer store cards for 2 hours a day twice a day (are you following me on this?) then they would donate $1000 to our organization. Easy money. E-A-S-Y selling gift wrap or crappy candles, no pushing donuts in peoples faces. Just sit and wait for them to come to you. So of course we signed up and committed to providing people for 28 slots. We asked parents to volunteer and they CHOSE what time they wanted to work the table. (That alone was like pulling teeth.)
So just now I get an email from the coordinator saying that we had one parent not show on Monday and another not show yesterday.
I'm asking you is 2 hours too much time for you to come out and support your child?! I'm so pissed right now it's unnatural. It's sad that you can depend on people's children more than you can depend on them.
I have no problems with any of students. They are great kids, who obviously learned it from someone other than their much-too-busy-to-be-involved-in-my-child's-life-but-I-have-time-to-tan-shop-and-gossip-about-other-people parents.
The whole thing just makes me ill. Some of these parents have never attended a football game or a competition and they have no idea what their kids do. It's sad really...
Harley riding, rock loving, texting, marching band/track/basketball stepmom
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Thursday Thirteen
~13 of my favorite shoes~
- Got these from Target and I'm wearing them right now...since I like them so much I got brown ones too!
- Ignore my funny looking foot, I was trying to get a good angle.
- Love these, worn them to death
- Need I say more?
- Red patent mary janes ~ to die for!
- Comfy, comfy, comfy
- I bought these to go with one outfit so I don't wear them much but they look spectular on...I just wasn't going to risk another funny foot shot to prove it
- Comfy and they go nice with my dress pants
- Again, I bought these to go with one dress but I have worn them under jeans too.
- I love these! I just got them this summer so I have yet to wear them but I will (despite what S says!)
- Harley Davidson shoes - I really like them but they make my feet sweat. Ewwww!
- These are so comfortable I bought another pair in brown
- Mudd, new, fabulous
And I was late to work this morning because I was taking all these pictures...oh the price I pay to blog!
More Thursday Thirteen HERE!

And I was late to work this morning because I was taking all these pictures...oh the price I pay to blog!
More Thursday Thirteen HERE!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Tonights conversation...
This took place at the grill while I was "instructing" him on how to grill the chicken and heat the bagels...
Him: One of these days I'm going to smack you in the head.
Me: No you won't.
Him: And why not?
Me: Cause you don't want me to get that alimony payment...
Him: Whatever.
Ain't love grand?!
(And for the record he would never really smack me because A) he's not that type of guy B) I'm not that type of girl C) I really would divorce his ass and take as much as I could.)
Him: One of these days I'm going to smack you in the head.
Me: No you won't.
Him: And why not?
Me: Cause you don't want me to get that alimony payment...
Him: Whatever.
Ain't love grand?!
(And for the record he would never really smack me because A) he's not that type of guy B) I'm not that type of girl C) I really would divorce his ass and take as much as I could.)
Twilight, Vampires & A7X

Have you heard of it?
Yeah me either. But apparently it's created quite the phenomenon. After reading about it on Lulaville I had to google to find out what it was all about. Holy crap! It's about vampires. And a love story. Apparently there is even a movie in the making.
What rock have I been under? I love me some vampires. Seriously. I stayed up the other night till 3 in order to watch Interview with a Vampire, one of my all time favorite movies.

And I have my very own set of vampire fangs. See.

Told ya'.
That picture is untouched but I prefer this edited one.

My friend and I bought them to wear to the Taste of Chaos concert in March, where I got to see my lover man M. Shadows (and all the hotties from Avenged Sevenfold,except for The Rev~he is just plain odd looking) whose birthday just happens to be tomorrow.

Wait...I'm losing focus...
Anyway, back to the book...I will be a proud owner on Friday thanks to and my free $10 credit there. I tried looking at our local library but every copy is checked out so it's obvious I'm the last know about this Twilight thing.
Okay one more in honor of his birthday...

I realize you might not get it but I'm a total groupie. I can admit it.
Wordless Wednesday - Guess Who!
My husband "S" at age 5.

Click HERE for more Wordless Wednesday from 5 Minutes for Mom.
Happy Hump Day!

Click HERE for more Wordless Wednesday from 5 Minutes for Mom.
Happy Hump Day!
Monday, July 28, 2008
So you always thought I was a fool...
Now prove it and GO VOTE FOR ME! I don't want to be last. I can't be last. I just can't. It would be detrimental to my psyche. Trust me on this.
(And thanks to Kat of Sunshine and Lemonade for hosting such a random contest.)
(And thanks to Kat of Sunshine and Lemonade for hosting such a random contest.)
New to Me Recipe - Onion Strings & Yogurt Marmalade Cake
As Ree would say, "lawsy mercy" her recipes are good. I just finished devouring eating onion straws made with this recipe. They were soooo good I didn't even get a picture of them before they were all gone. S really, really like them. Now if I could only find a good zesty sauce recipe to go with them.
Friday night I made her Yogurt Marmalade Cake. The cake was super moist and the topping was just right without being too sweet. I think the cake would be good with any topping so I may try it with some strawberrys or just powdered sugar. I DID get a picture of the cake - (Try to ignore the clump of yogurt that didn't melt. In true Pioneer Woman fashion, I'm keeping it real.)

Now click on over and try at least one of her recipes. They are too good to ignore.
Friday night I made her Yogurt Marmalade Cake. The cake was super moist and the topping was just right without being too sweet. I think the cake would be good with any topping so I may try it with some strawberrys or just powdered sugar. I DID get a picture of the cake - (Try to ignore the clump of yogurt that didn't melt. In true Pioneer Woman fashion, I'm keeping it real.)

Now click on over and try at least one of her recipes. They are too good to ignore.
Can you imagine...
2 out of 3 people actually like my babble...of course, there were only 3 votes so it's really hard to gauge. LOL! I'm full of random but I didn't know you actually wanted to hear it. Hmph. Right now, I'm supposed to be working on dinner but seeing as how I'm not they'll deal.
Something else that amazes me is how we've all lived here the same length of time, me, S and SS and yet they don't know where the freakin' dishes go. It's not like I have some secret code in order to put them away, it's basic storage methods. Drives me insane when I'm cooking and I cannot find anything. I was mourning the loss of my precious Pampered Chef spatula since it was missing for a couple weeks only to find it the other day is the WRONG DRAWER! At the risk of being anal (that so doesn't sound right) I want to label the cabinets and drawers so that this little mishap doesn't happen again. Who's with me?!?!
Next week I won't have to worry about it since they will be at band camp and I will be here all by my lonesome. Eating cereal. Enjoying the crap outta of it. Well, until I hear something outside my window at night and then I will just spazz out. But that's another story for another time...
These onion straws are calling my name.
Something else that amazes me is how we've all lived here the same length of time, me, S and SS and yet they don't know where the freakin' dishes go. It's not like I have some secret code in order to put them away, it's basic storage methods. Drives me insane when I'm cooking and I cannot find anything. I was mourning the loss of my precious Pampered Chef spatula since it was missing for a couple weeks only to find it the other day is the WRONG DRAWER! At the risk of being anal (that so doesn't sound right) I want to label the cabinets and drawers so that this little mishap doesn't happen again. Who's with me?!?!
Next week I won't have to worry about it since they will be at band camp and I will be here all by my lonesome. Eating cereal. Enjoying the crap outta of it. Well, until I hear something outside my window at night and then I will just spazz out. But that's another story for another time...
These onion straws are calling my name.
Menu Plan 7/28-8/3

Monday: Roast Beef hoagies, carrots (with buffalo Pop'rs that I won last month. Veggie Mom is hosting another giveaway that ends TODAY so head over and comment for your own set of Pop'rs!) and watermelon
Tuesday: Breakfast for dinner: Sausage gravy, eggs & biscuits
Wednesday: "S" sandwiches*
Thursday: Taco Salads (or some sort of taco casserole;I've got to do a little research!), Skillet corn
Friday: Hot dogs, baked beans & potato salad
Saturday: Lemony Chicken Breasts with Rice*
Sunday: TBD
*"S" sandwiches were made to duplicate my hubbies favorite sandwich from a local restaurant. I take thin chicken breasts and grill them, then top the chicken with cheese (usually provolone or Swiss, but this week it will be monterey jack) and pepperoni. This goes on a toasted bagel and is served with a side of ranch. He loves them, which is why he choose the name and we haven't had them for a while.
*Lemony Chicken Breasts with Rice (from All You magazine)
4 Tbsp butter
1 onion, finely chopped
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
4 boneless chicken breasts
salt and pepper
4 cups canned low-sodium chicken broth (I will use homemade)
1/4 cup lemon juice
2 cups long-grain rice (I will use brown)
1/4 cup finely chopped fresh parsley
Melt 2 Tbsp butter in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add onion and cook until softened, stirring occasionally, 4-5 minutes. Add garlic and cook 1 minute longer. Scrape into slow cooker.
Sprinkle chicken with salt. Melt remaining 2 Tbsp butter in skillet over medium-high heat until foaming. Add chicken breasts and cook until browned, about 2 minutes per side. Transfer to a slow cooker.
Add 1 cup broth and lemon juice to skillet and bring to a boil, scraping browned bits from the bottom of the pan. Add to the slow cooker, along with remaining broth, rice and 1 tsp salt. Stir, cover and cook on low until chicken is cooked through and rice is tender, 2-3 hours. Remove chicken and stir parsley into rice and season with salt and pepper. Divide rice onto plates and top with a chicken breast.
I will probably just make 3 chicken breasts since they are HUGE and there are only three of us. I may even cut the chicken into pieces before serving depending on how large the pieces are.
So there is my week - I'm just trying to use up a few things I have laying around. Next week should be very interesting since S and SS will be at band camp and I will be all alone. I see lots of cereal in my future! LOL!
If you are like me and need inspiration visit Organizing Junkie for more menu plans!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Free Cheerios!!
I had to pass this along...

Sign up for the Cheerios Challenge and receive a free box of Cheerios, six $1 coupons and heart health tips over six weeks.
Sign up HERE!

Sign up for the Cheerios Challenge and receive a free box of Cheerios, six $1 coupons and heart health tips over six weeks.
Sign up HERE!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
CVS, Walmart, Krogers
Rather than write a separate post about each of these I will just summarize my extraordinary savings this week in one place. Starting with...
Transaction #1 (through 10 - LOL!)

I got all of this for free using $2 off CVS skincare q's plus I made 5 ECB's since I "spent" more than $15 in CVS Baby products. It took several transactions to make this happen, but I did it while I was already out running errands for work, so it didn't cost me anything in gas (I use a company vehicle) and they were all simple and short visits.
Transaction #2

2- Maxwell Coffee - 4.99/BOGOF
2- ALL detergent - 6.49/BOGOF
3- CVS Spices - .88/each
1- True North nuts - 2.50
2- Trident - 1.49/BOGOF
1- CVS Baby Powder (pictured under transaction #1)
1- 4/20 coupon
1- 2/10 CVS product coupon
1- 2 off CVS Skincare
1- .75 off Trident
2- 1.00 off ALL small & mighty
1- 1.00 off True North nuts
1- .75 off Maxwell House
Total = $7.91 (Used 7 ECB's + .91 OOP) Earned 1 ECB (from Trident)

I'm not going to list everything out but my total went from $113 (w/ tax) to $38 (w/ tax). The cashier was extremely impressed and a manager had to approve my transaction before I could check out because I used so many coupons.
Some of the best bargains were the Huggies Clean Team wipes. They are $1.64 so with a $3/2 q they were only .14 each! 4 boxes of South Beach drink packets for free and the Scrubbing Bubbles Starter kit for $2.17 AND I sent in the mail in rebate so I will make $2.75 on this! I also got a few free sample size items like Head & Shoulders, single use Well Patches, Schick disposable razors and Aquafresh toothpaste. There were a few items I didn't have q's for so I was pretty happy with everything I got and the savings were unbelievable!
Unfortunately, I didn't take a picture of what I got at Kroger today but I saved a ton because of their Mega Sale Event and lots of coupons! Overall savings with Kroger plus card, coupons and $16 in Catalina's from the Planters peanuts was over $88! I only spent $41 for over $129 worth of groceries! Here are the highlights:
Franks hot sauce = free! (mega sale item + .50 q doubled)
Betty Crocker mini's = .50 (mega sale item + .50 q doubled)
Betty Crocker frosting = 1.00 (mega sale item)
Sargento cheese = 1.00 (mega sale item + 1.00 q)
Edwards pie = .75 (mega sale item + .75 q)
Mini carrots = 1.00
Watermelon = .99 (used $3 off coupon wyb Ball Parks)
Ball Park Franks = 2/$3 (mega sale item + $1.00 q)
Bread = .50 (markdown)
Hoagie Rolls = 1.00 (markdown)
Plus, I got some killer coupons in the mail yesterday that were sent to the employees (my SS works there). I didn't use them today but I 20 oz coke, free flowers, free yogurt, $2 off any shampoo, $2 off any toothpaste, etc. You can see how valuable they will be since they are store coupons AND not brand specific.
Thanks to Money Saving Mom, The Centsible Sawyer and Amy's Life for posting the information about these sales and how to make the most of them!
Transaction #1 (through 10 - LOL!)

I got all of this for free using $2 off CVS skincare q's plus I made 5 ECB's since I "spent" more than $15 in CVS Baby products. It took several transactions to make this happen, but I did it while I was already out running errands for work, so it didn't cost me anything in gas (I use a company vehicle) and they were all simple and short visits.
Transaction #2

2- Maxwell Coffee - 4.99/BOGOF
2- ALL detergent - 6.49/BOGOF
3- CVS Spices - .88/each
1- True North nuts - 2.50
2- Trident - 1.49/BOGOF
1- CVS Baby Powder (pictured under transaction #1)
1- 4/20 coupon
1- 2/10 CVS product coupon
1- 2 off CVS Skincare
1- .75 off Trident
2- 1.00 off ALL small & mighty
1- 1.00 off True North nuts
1- .75 off Maxwell House
Total = $7.91 (Used 7 ECB's + .91 OOP) Earned 1 ECB (from Trident)

I'm not going to list everything out but my total went from $113 (w/ tax) to $38 (w/ tax). The cashier was extremely impressed and a manager had to approve my transaction before I could check out because I used so many coupons.
Some of the best bargains were the Huggies Clean Team wipes. They are $1.64 so with a $3/2 q they were only .14 each! 4 boxes of South Beach drink packets for free and the Scrubbing Bubbles Starter kit for $2.17 AND I sent in the mail in rebate so I will make $2.75 on this! I also got a few free sample size items like Head & Shoulders, single use Well Patches, Schick disposable razors and Aquafresh toothpaste. There were a few items I didn't have q's for so I was pretty happy with everything I got and the savings were unbelievable!
Unfortunately, I didn't take a picture of what I got at Kroger today but I saved a ton because of their Mega Sale Event and lots of coupons! Overall savings with Kroger plus card, coupons and $16 in Catalina's from the Planters peanuts was over $88! I only spent $41 for over $129 worth of groceries! Here are the highlights:
Franks hot sauce = free! (mega sale item + .50 q doubled)
Betty Crocker mini's = .50 (mega sale item + .50 q doubled)
Betty Crocker frosting = 1.00 (mega sale item)
Sargento cheese = 1.00 (mega sale item + 1.00 q)
Edwards pie = .75 (mega sale item + .75 q)
Mini carrots = 1.00
Watermelon = .99 (used $3 off coupon wyb Ball Parks)
Ball Park Franks = 2/$3 (mega sale item + $1.00 q)
Bread = .50 (markdown)
Hoagie Rolls = 1.00 (markdown)
Plus, I got some killer coupons in the mail yesterday that were sent to the employees (my SS works there). I didn't use them today but I 20 oz coke, free flowers, free yogurt, $2 off any shampoo, $2 off any toothpaste, etc. You can see how valuable they will be since they are store coupons AND not brand specific.
Thanks to Money Saving Mom, The Centsible Sawyer and Amy's Life for posting the information about these sales and how to make the most of them!
Friday, July 25, 2008
And then the fight started...
I rear-ended a car this morning. So, there we were alongside the road and slowly the other driver got out of his car.
You know how sometimes you just get soooo stressed and little things just seem funny? Yeah, well I couldn't believe it.... he was a DWARF!!!
He stormed over to my car, looked up at me, and shouted, 'I AM NOT HAPPY!!!' So, I looked down at him and said, 'Well, then which one are you?'
And then the fight started.....
When I got home last night, my wife demanded that I take her someplace expensive....
so, I took her to a gas station.....
And then the fight started....
After retiring, I went to the Social Security office to apply for Social Security. The woman behind the counter asked me for my driver's license to verify my age. I looked in my pockets and realized I had left my wallet at home.
I told the woman that I was very sorry, but I would have to go home and come back later. The woman said, 'Unbutton your shirt'. So I opened my shirt revealing my curly silver hair. She said, 'That silver hair on your chest is proof enough for me'
and she processed my Social Security application.
When I got home, I excitedly told my wife about my experience at the Social Security office. She said, 'You should have dropped your pants. You might have gotten disability, too'
And then the fight started.....
My wife and I were sitting at a table at my high school reunion, and I kept staring at a drunken lady swigging her drink as she sat alone at a nearby table.
My wife asked,' Do you know her?'
'Yes,' I sighed, 'She's my old girlfriend. I understand she took to drinking right after we split up those many years ago, and I hear she hasn't been sober since.'
'My God!' says my wife, 'Who would think a person could go on celebrating that long?'
And then the fight started.....
Just a few jokes in honor of Friday!!!
You know how sometimes you just get soooo stressed and little things just seem funny? Yeah, well I couldn't believe it.... he was a DWARF!!!
He stormed over to my car, looked up at me, and shouted, 'I AM NOT HAPPY!!!' So, I looked down at him and said, 'Well, then which one are you?'
And then the fight started.....
When I got home last night, my wife demanded that I take her someplace expensive....
so, I took her to a gas station.....
And then the fight started....
After retiring, I went to the Social Security office to apply for Social Security. The woman behind the counter asked me for my driver's license to verify my age. I looked in my pockets and realized I had left my wallet at home.
I told the woman that I was very sorry, but I would have to go home and come back later. The woman said, 'Unbutton your shirt'. So I opened my shirt revealing my curly silver hair. She said, 'That silver hair on your chest is proof enough for me'
and she processed my Social Security application.
When I got home, I excitedly told my wife about my experience at the Social Security office. She said, 'You should have dropped your pants. You might have gotten disability, too'
And then the fight started.....
My wife and I were sitting at a table at my high school reunion, and I kept staring at a drunken lady swigging her drink as she sat alone at a nearby table.
My wife asked,' Do you know her?'
'Yes,' I sighed, 'She's my old girlfriend. I understand she took to drinking right after we split up those many years ago, and I hear she hasn't been sober since.'
'My God!' says my wife, 'Who would think a person could go on celebrating that long?'
And then the fight started.....
Just a few jokes in honor of Friday!!!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Thursday Thirteen
~13 random facts about me~
1. I have naturally curly hair. Always have.

2. I have the same middle name as my mother. (It begins with an "F")
3. I'm a procrastinator. Major.
4. I love Mexican food.
5. My first job was at Burger King.
6. I never put my clothes away. It drives S crazy and contributes to my chronic lateness.
7. I cannot stand to have a dirty kitchen. It really irritates me when people leave water sitting in dishes...that is disgusting.
8. I love music and I listen to large variety ranging from 80's to Avenged Sevenfold. When listening to music in my car, I must sing and dance stupidly.
9. I have a black thumb. (RIP- 2008 tomato plant)
10. I own 70+ pairs of shoes.
11. I dream every night and remember 80-90% of them. I also experience deja vu a lot.
12. S and I knew each other less than a year before getting married and we didn't tell anyone in my family until it was done. "Um, hi, Dad. Yeah I'm married so do you want to meet my husband?"
13. I am superstitious and really concerned that this is the Thursday "THIRTEEN" and not the Thursday Three, Thursday Twelve or Thursday Twenty.
I'm sure that was fascinating for you - yeah right! Now go find out thirteen random facts about other bloggers HERE!
1. I have naturally curly hair. Always have.

2. I have the same middle name as my mother. (It begins with an "F")
3. I'm a procrastinator. Major.
4. I love Mexican food.
5. My first job was at Burger King.

6. I never put my clothes away. It drives S crazy and contributes to my chronic lateness.
7. I cannot stand to have a dirty kitchen. It really irritates me when people leave water sitting in dishes...that is disgusting.
8. I love music and I listen to large variety ranging from 80's to Avenged Sevenfold. When listening to music in my car, I must sing and dance stupidly.
9. I have a black thumb. (RIP- 2008 tomato plant)
10. I own 70+ pairs of shoes.
11. I dream every night and remember 80-90% of them. I also experience deja vu a lot.
12. S and I knew each other less than a year before getting married and we didn't tell anyone in my family until it was done. "Um, hi, Dad. Yeah I'm married so do you want to meet my husband?"
13. I am superstitious and really concerned that this is the Thursday "THIRTEEN" and not the Thursday Three, Thursday Twelve or Thursday Twenty.
I'm sure that was fascinating for you - yeah right! Now go find out thirteen random facts about other bloggers HERE!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Random Thought of the Day
Why are there so many single shoes on the road/interstate and how do they get there? I would be distraught to get somewhere and find that I had lost one of my shoes, but how does that happen???
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
I really need to paint the shutters on the front of my house but I just cannot make a decision. So I'm asking for your help. Do you think I should use the same color or change it up?
Here is a close up shot of the shutters. Keep in mind that they need to be painted so the paint is faded and chipping.

Here is a wider shot of the house so you can see all of the shutters.

Thanks for your input!! I really need it.
Here is a close up shot of the shutters. Keep in mind that they need to be painted so the paint is faded and chipping.

Here is a wider shot of the house so you can see all of the shutters.

Thanks for your input!! I really need it.

Last night I made the best peach oatmeal muffins and banana muffins and I realized that without all the wonderful blogs I read I wouldn't even know a peach oatmeal muffin recipe existed. So today, I'm thankful for all the great blogs I read!
First I want to thank all the ladies at Happy to be @ Home for inspiring me to try so many new dishes. I've tried pita bread, honey cookies, skillet corn and now the muffins...they were all simple to make and delicious! And if I'm talking about cooking then I'm can't forget The Pioneer Woman. Not only is she hilarious but that woman can cook! I've tried her recipe for bacon wrapped jalapenos (now they are my signature appetizer and I don't even like jalapenos!), chicken thighs with linguine and homemade ranch dressing.
In between all this cooking I've been playing the drugstore game with the help of The Centsible Sawyer, Money Saving Mom and Freebies 4 Mom. Those ladies keep me informed of all the bargains, freebies and deals to feed my shopping addiction without breaking the bank.
Whenever I need a laugh I can count on John Deere Mom, One Crazy Chick (although she sounds perfectly normal to me!), Insane Mama and many others to provide me with comical relief. Plus, they make my life look semi-normal...boring but almost normal. I love that they put it all out there and invite us into their lives, sharing the good, the bad and the disturbing-yet-funny things that happen.
So today I want to say thanks for everyone that takes the time to blog, no matter what the subject. If you want to give thanks this Gratituesday or just check another fabulous blog, visit Heavenly Homemakers and tell Laura I said hi!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Menu Plan 7/21-7/27

Monday: Taco Salads, refried beans
Tuesday: Chicken tenders & frozen fries (Quick meal because we have a booster meeting)
Wednesday: Cavatelli (Still deciding on the sauce but it will probably be tomato), tomatoes & mozzarella w/ balsamic dressing and basil
Thursday: Hot Wings , celery sticks, salad (repeat from last week because they were so darn good)
Friday: Chicken pot pie, mashed potatoes
Saturday: London Broil, potatoes, carrots
Sunday: TBD
If you are like me and need inspiration visit Organizing Junkie for more menu plans
Friday, July 18, 2008
CVS July 13-19
I did four transactions this week since I was trying to roll my $10 ECB from last week and take advantage of the $3/15 coupon that was only good this week.
Transaction #1

2 Herbal Essence - $2/5
2 Airwick Minis - $4.99
3 Sally Henson nail polish - .99/each
1- 3/15
1- Salley Henson - $3/2 (adjusted to $2.97)
1- Herbal Essence - $3/2
2- Airwich Minis - $4
Total = $1.73 w/ tax, No ECB's used or earned
Transaction #2

Excedrin back & body - 4.79
Excedrin PM - 5.29
Excedrin extra strength - 10.29
1- 4/20
1- 2 off Excedrin PM
1- 2 off 100 ct Excedrin
$10 ECB
Total = $2.37
Earned = $10 ECB
Transaction #3
2 Sure deodorants - 2.99/each
2 Speedstick 24/7 - 3.99/each
2 Johnson & Johnson Buddie Soaps - .99/each
1 Gain detergent - 4.99
1- 3/15
2- 1 off Sure
1- 2/2 Johnson & Johnson coupon (adjusted to $1.98)
$10 ECB
Total = 4.35
Earned = $9 ECB
Transaction #4
6 Salley Henson nail polish - .99/eacb
1 Tums Smoothies - 1.49 (clearance)
1 CVS make up remover towelettes - 2.99
2 CVS Tampons - 1.49/each
1- 3/15
1- 2/10 CVS brand product
2- 3/2 Salley Henson (Adjusted to $2.91 & 3.00 for the other)
1- 1 off Tums smoothies
1- 2 off CVS beauty product
Total: -.26 (adjusted to .01)
Earned: 3.98 ECB's
They royally screwed up my last transaction. I could only use 1 beauty coupon so I only had them ring up 1 make up remover towelettes but she still took off the other coupons??? Not sure what happened there but I was a little upset that I could only use 1 since I've been using it for weeks without incident. I guess CVS is getting stricter with their coupons. IDK.
Transaction #1

2 Herbal Essence - $2/5
2 Airwick Minis - $4.99
3 Sally Henson nail polish - .99/each
1- 3/15
1- Salley Henson - $3/2 (adjusted to $2.97)
1- Herbal Essence - $3/2
2- Airwich Minis - $4
Total = $1.73 w/ tax, No ECB's used or earned
Transaction #2

Excedrin back & body - 4.79
Excedrin PM - 5.29
Excedrin extra strength - 10.29
1- 4/20
1- 2 off Excedrin PM
1- 2 off 100 ct Excedrin
$10 ECB
Total = $2.37
Earned = $10 ECB
Transaction #3
2 Sure deodorants - 2.99/each
2 Speedstick 24/7 - 3.99/each
2 Johnson & Johnson Buddie Soaps - .99/each
1 Gain detergent - 4.99
1- 3/15
2- 1 off Sure
1- 2/2 Johnson & Johnson coupon (adjusted to $1.98)
$10 ECB
Total = 4.35
Earned = $9 ECB

Transaction #4
6 Salley Henson nail polish - .99/eacb
1 Tums Smoothies - 1.49 (clearance)
1 CVS make up remover towelettes - 2.99
2 CVS Tampons - 1.49/each
1- 3/15
1- 2/10 CVS brand product
2- 3/2 Salley Henson (Adjusted to $2.91 & 3.00 for the other)
1- 1 off Tums smoothies
1- 2 off CVS beauty product
Total: -.26 (adjusted to .01)
Earned: 3.98 ECB's
They royally screwed up my last transaction. I could only use 1 beauty coupon so I only had them ring up 1 make up remover towelettes but she still took off the other coupons??? Not sure what happened there but I was a little upset that I could only use 1 since I've been using it for weeks without incident. I guess CVS is getting stricter with their coupons. IDK.
Kraft Bagel-fuls
I'm not one to really brag about the fact that I eat a lot of pre-packaged food, but I have to blog about these little delights. I finally broke down and bought some Bagel-fuls the other day at Food Lion, because they were on sale for 2/$4. I have been waiting for a coupon to show up but I figured if we hated them it's only 2 bucks.
Anyway, these are G-R-E-A-T! (Tony the Tiger anyone??)I got the Cinnamon variety and they are soooo good and easy to fix. I grab one on the way out the door and heat it in the toaster at work. That with a banana and a glass of milk is what I've been having all week. (Okay, I only ate one banana but the milk sure is good!) So now I'm the lookout for coupons on ebay or one of the other sites that distribute coupons because I must get some more.
Here's the breakdown: They are less than 200 calories each and I got 5 breakfasts for $2! I don't have to think about it, just grab and go, which in my world is heaven in a plastic package. Plus, I don't stand in front of my refrigerator hoping that an IHOP omelette jumps out at me in the mornings so I'm saving on energy costs. (This has never happened, but I still keep hope alive.)
So thanks to Kraft I have another, better alternative to not eating breakfast at all, which is what happens when I have to think about it.
Now, hhhmmmmmmmm, go, slllurrp, mpmppmpmjjhhh, get your own! ~burp~ Excuse me! Oh and drop me a line if the other flavors are this good.
Anyway, these are G-R-E-A-T! (Tony the Tiger anyone??)I got the Cinnamon variety and they are soooo good and easy to fix. I grab one on the way out the door and heat it in the toaster at work. That with a banana and a glass of milk is what I've been having all week. (Okay, I only ate one banana but the milk sure is good!) So now I'm the lookout for coupons on ebay or one of the other sites that distribute coupons because I must get some more.
Here's the breakdown: They are less than 200 calories each and I got 5 breakfasts for $2! I don't have to think about it, just grab and go, which in my world is heaven in a plastic package. Plus, I don't stand in front of my refrigerator hoping that an IHOP omelette jumps out at me in the mornings so I'm saving on energy costs. (This has never happened, but I still keep hope alive.)
So thanks to Kraft I have another, better alternative to not eating breakfast at all, which is what happens when I have to think about it.
Now, hhhmmmmmmmm, go, slllurrp, mpmppmpmjjhhh, get your own! ~burp~ Excuse me! Oh and drop me a line if the other flavors are this good.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Explanation Thursday
I almost forgot.
Puerto Rico - We were there in December 2005 with 2 other couples as part of a Harley Cruise. Yep, that's right...we took our bikes with us! It was amazing to say the least. It's organized by ETA on a Royal Carribean ship. We went to Puerto Rico, St. Thomas, St Maarten and Nassau Bahamas and rode on all the islands except Nassau.(It wasn't allowed at the time.)
The picture was spur of the moment and taken very quickly since we were blocking the entrance of this historical church but it has turned into one of my favorites. We've gone cruising several times but this had to be the most memorable by far.
If only I was sailing away on ship right now, with a margarita in both hands...ahhhh.
Puerto Rico - We were there in December 2005 with 2 other couples as part of a Harley Cruise. Yep, that's right...we took our bikes with us! It was amazing to say the least. It's organized by ETA on a Royal Carribean ship. We went to Puerto Rico, St. Thomas, St Maarten and Nassau Bahamas and rode on all the islands except Nassau.(It wasn't allowed at the time.)
The picture was spur of the moment and taken very quickly since we were blocking the entrance of this historical church but it has turned into one of my favorites. We've gone cruising several times but this had to be the most memorable by far.
If only I was sailing away on ship right now, with a margarita in both hands...ahhhh.
Do your friend IRL know about your blog? Mine don't. The only people that know are S and my sis. There's no real reason why I haven't told them but I guess it's about freedom. I can blog about whatever I want and not have to worry about hurting anyone's feelings, being judged by others, etc. So far it's been really nice.
Yeah, I kinda like it here. I might just stay for a while...
Yeah, I kinda like it here. I might just stay for a while...
Thursday Thirteen
~13 pet peeves & other irritating things~
1. Being woke up.
2. Returning a just missed call but they don't answer and they didn't leave a message (hello, sis!)
3. Getting cut off in traffic by someone going slower than me.
4. People who throw their cigarette butts out of their cars. (What's the big deal about using the ashtray since you already smoke in there?)
5. Getting my feet wet unexpectedly.
6. A dirty kitchen floor.
7. People who don't use their turn signals. (Wouldn't this make a great bumper sticker?? "Sorry my ESP is broke, you'll have to let me know if you are turning".)
8. Searching for utensils that were put back in the wrong place.
9. Leaving the light on when you leave a room.
10. Repeating myself over and over.
11. People who explain basic things to me. ("Free meaning there is no charge." ~Duh!)
12. Being poked.
And last but not least...
13. People who visit my page and don't leave comments! (Just kidding! ;])
More Thursday Thirteen HERE!
1. Being woke up.
2. Returning a just missed call but they don't answer and they didn't leave a message (hello, sis!)
3. Getting cut off in traffic by someone going slower than me.
4. People who throw their cigarette butts out of their cars. (What's the big deal about using the ashtray since you already smoke in there?)
5. Getting my feet wet unexpectedly.
6. A dirty kitchen floor.
7. People who don't use their turn signals. (Wouldn't this make a great bumper sticker?? "Sorry my ESP is broke, you'll have to let me know if you are turning".)
8. Searching for utensils that were put back in the wrong place.
9. Leaving the light on when you leave a room.
10. Repeating myself over and over.
11. People who explain basic things to me. ("Free meaning there is no charge." ~Duh!)
12. Being poked.
And last but not least...
13. People who visit my page and don't leave comments! (Just kidding! ;])
More Thursday Thirteen HERE!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Let's talk...
Let's talk TV shall we?
I'm a reality tv fanatic...we watch an assortment of these shows on TV. Some I've grown tired of because they are just too stupid to waste my time on, like I Love NY, A Shot With Tila (or whatever) and that damned Flavor Flav. I mean do they advertise for the most ghetto people on the planet to audition for the show. And I say audition because I know these shows are all for... well, show.
Some of my favorites are Big Brother (new season just started!), Survivor (although I was a bit bored with the last season) and I hate to admit it but The Real World. Those MTV producers know their stuff. And because I'm a self pronounced foodie I watch Top Chef and Hell's Kitchen (more for the yelling than the food). I can't forget the Bravo shows The Real Housewives of Orange County and their counterparts in New York. Pretty much I will watch any of them if I'm bored enough, but who can blame me?!
I'm asking, WHERE ARE THE QUALITY SHOWS? No wait, that's asking a lot and I don't need a lot to be entertained. I have to admit a certain weakness for "bad" shows like Nip/Tuck, The Shield, Dirt and Rescue Me. These are NOT child friendly shows with wicked topics and naughty parts. A couple other favorites are Burn Notice, Gossip Girl and The Life of American Teenager (I gotta get my "teen, 90210" know you watched 90210!!)
Speaking of 90210, have you heard the news? Not only is NKOTB touring together again BUT several of the original cast members of 90210 are reincarnating their roles on the New 90210. Me...I can't wait!
For your viewing pleasure...
I'm a reality tv fanatic...we watch an assortment of these shows on TV. Some I've grown tired of because they are just too stupid to waste my time on, like I Love NY, A Shot With Tila (or whatever) and that damned Flavor Flav. I mean do they advertise for the most ghetto people on the planet to audition for the show. And I say audition because I know these shows are all for... well, show.
Some of my favorites are Big Brother (new season just started!), Survivor (although I was a bit bored with the last season) and I hate to admit it but The Real World. Those MTV producers know their stuff. And because I'm a self pronounced foodie I watch Top Chef and Hell's Kitchen (more for the yelling than the food). I can't forget the Bravo shows The Real Housewives of Orange County and their counterparts in New York. Pretty much I will watch any of them if I'm bored enough, but who can blame me?!
I'm asking, WHERE ARE THE QUALITY SHOWS? No wait, that's asking a lot and I don't need a lot to be entertained. I have to admit a certain weakness for "bad" shows like Nip/Tuck, The Shield, Dirt and Rescue Me. These are NOT child friendly shows with wicked topics and naughty parts. A couple other favorites are Burn Notice, Gossip Girl and The Life of American Teenager (I gotta get my "teen, 90210" know you watched 90210!!)
Speaking of 90210, have you heard the news? Not only is NKOTB touring together again BUT several of the original cast members of 90210 are reincarnating their roles on the New 90210. Me...I can't wait!
For your viewing pleasure...
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Gratituesday - A Picture Post - Home

Oh and last Friday we added this to the back patio:

See all those CVS savings really pay off! LOL!
For more Gratituesday visit Heavenly Homemakers
Monday, July 14, 2008
Menu Plan 7/14-7/20

Monday: Pita Sandwiches, leftover pasta salad & banana pudding
Tuesday: Miracle Chicken, zuchini, roasted potatoes
Wednesday: Hot Wings (requested by S), celery sticks, salad
Thursday: Hamburger Helper
Friday: Chicken salad (made with leftover chicken from Tuesday)
Saturday: TBD - not sure of our plans so it might end up being take out, if not then definitely grilling something
Sunday: Roasted Pork Loin
I'm flexible with my menu plan and sometimes move things around as our schedule dictates, but actually thinking about what I have on hand has been invaluable to me. I never come home and wonder about what we're having and if I need a few things from the grocery store, I don't wander around...I know exactly what I need.
And I use more leftovers so I have a lot less food that becomes trash. Now I would like to add variety to my menu so I will check out other menu plans for ideas!
If you are like me and need inspiration visit Organizing Junkie for more menu plans!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Kroger P&G Deal
Kroger is running a sale this week where you receive $3 off instantly when you buy 3 P&G specially marked items. Although Pampers wipes weren't in the ad, I found out about this deal through either The Centsible Sawyer or Money Saving Mom. (I'm not sure which, but they both have great information so go visit!)
You can buy three smaller packages of Pamper wipes for $2.61/each, use 3 .50 coupons (my Kroger's doubles to $1.00 off) and then get $3 off at the register. I got 3 packages for .61 each!

These will go to my SD too!
You can buy three smaller packages of Pamper wipes for $2.61/each, use 3 .50 coupons (my Kroger's doubles to $1.00 off) and then get $3 off at the register. I got 3 packages for .61 each!

These will go to my SD too!
CVS Deals - June 6-12 Part Two
I woke up Friday morning to find a bunch of emailed coupons from CVS, including $5 off $30 and $4 off Playskool Diapers. I didn't think much about it since I still had a $4/20 CRT so I didn't bother printing anything. Then I went out to pick up breakfast for work and ran by the CVS near Hardees intending on only picking up an iTunes gift card for my friends son. (This is where the brainstorming started!)
I grabbed a $15 gc and it dawned on me that I could easily use the $4/20 CRT by picking up the Playtex tampons. So I grabbed those, used a $1 coupon for them and walked out with free tampons, an iTunes card and $3 additional extra card bucks PLUS another $4/20 CRT. (I didn't use any because I had already budgeted the money for the iTunes card.)
While I was there I priced the diapers...low and behold they were on sale 2/$19.99. I didn't have my email coupons with me so I didn't get them while I was there, but I had plans to go into town for dinner and knew I would be making a pit stop.

Here's what I got:
2 - Mega packs of Playskool Diapers - $19.99
2 - Buddies soap bars - $.99/each
1 - CVS cotton balls - $1.69
I used:
1 - $4/20 coupon
2 - $4 off Playskool diapers
1 - $2 off 2 Johnson & Johnson products (adjusted to $1.98)
1 - $2 off CVS beauty product
I spent $2.91 on my debit card and $5 ECB's
I didn't earn any new ECB's but what a great deal! These and the Huggies from the previous week will be a gift for my SD since I will be a grandmother in October.
I grabbed a $15 gc and it dawned on me that I could easily use the $4/20 CRT by picking up the Playtex tampons. So I grabbed those, used a $1 coupon for them and walked out with free tampons, an iTunes card and $3 additional extra card bucks PLUS another $4/20 CRT. (I didn't use any because I had already budgeted the money for the iTunes card.)
While I was there I priced the diapers...low and behold they were on sale 2/$19.99. I didn't have my email coupons with me so I didn't get them while I was there, but I had plans to go into town for dinner and knew I would be making a pit stop.

Here's what I got:
2 - Mega packs of Playskool Diapers - $19.99
2 - Buddies soap bars - $.99/each
1 - CVS cotton balls - $1.69
I used:
1 - $4/20 coupon
2 - $4 off Playskool diapers
1 - $2 off 2 Johnson & Johnson products (adjusted to $1.98)
1 - $2 off CVS beauty product
I spent $2.91 on my debit card and $5 ECB's
I didn't earn any new ECB's but what a great deal! These and the Huggies from the previous week will be a gift for my SD since I will be a grandmother in October.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
CVS Deals - June 6-12
After all the trouble I had last time at CVS, I thought it was best to take a break. But I couldn't control my addiction pass by when I needed a card for my friend's birthday. During this visit I spent $2.59 for a card, .99 for CVS panty liners (earning .99 ECB), $2.99 for CVS wipes (earning $1 ECB) and 4 packs of clearance candies for .50/each. This gave me $1.99 in ECB to start me all over again. It had not been enough time for the $5 ECB from the swiffer deal (explained here)to print on my receipt BUT I did get a $4/20 CRT.
So on Sunday I got my paper out, gathered my coupons and made a CVS shopping list in order to take advantage of the $4/20 CRT.

I got:
2 Febreeze aerosols - 2.50/each ($10 ECB)
2 Febreeze sprays - 5.99/each
2 Dawn Dish Detergents - 1/each ($1 ECB)
1 Scott TP - 6.49
I used:
$4/20 CRT
2 $1 off Dawn Detergent
1 $5.99 BOGOF Febreeze coupon (I tried to use two since it was buy one Spray get one Aersol free but the clerk rang the first coupon wrong and then couldn't figure out how to fix it. Since it was only .99 more than it should have been, she left it.)
1 $1 off Febreeze product
I spent $7.17 on my debit card and used $1.99 EBC's
I earned $6 in ECB's + my $5 ECB for the swiffer that finally printed for a total of $11 ECB's + another $4/20 CRT
On Tuesday I had to go to the DMV in the city before heading to work so I ran by CVS on the way there and did these two transactions:

Transaction #1
1 Gillette Body Wash - $3.99
3 Olay Body Wash - $5.99
1 CVS Cotton Balls - $1.69
1-$4/20 CRT
3-$2 off Olay Ribbons Body Wash
1-$1 off Gillette Body Wash
1-$2 off CVS Beauty Product
I spent $1.03 on my debit card and used $10 ECB's
Earned $11 ECB + ANOTHER $4/20 CRT
Since I got another $4/20 CRT I went ahead and did the 2nd transaction while I was there.

Transaction #2
2 Dawn Dish Detergents - $1/each
2 Pert Plus Shampoos - $2.50/each
1 Crest Whitestrips - $19.99
1 $4/20
2 $1 off Dawn
1 $2 off Pert
1 $3 off Pert
1 $7 off Whitestrips
I spent $10.14 and I did not use any ECB's choosing to save the $10 I had just earned.
Earned $1 ECB
So on Sunday I got my paper out, gathered my coupons and made a CVS shopping list in order to take advantage of the $4/20 CRT.

I got:
2 Febreeze aerosols - 2.50/each ($10 ECB)
2 Febreeze sprays - 5.99/each
2 Dawn Dish Detergents - 1/each ($1 ECB)
1 Scott TP - 6.49
I used:
$4/20 CRT
2 $1 off Dawn Detergent
1 $5.99 BOGOF Febreeze coupon (I tried to use two since it was buy one Spray get one Aersol free but the clerk rang the first coupon wrong and then couldn't figure out how to fix it. Since it was only .99 more than it should have been, she left it.)
1 $1 off Febreeze product
I spent $7.17 on my debit card and used $1.99 EBC's
I earned $6 in ECB's + my $5 ECB for the swiffer that finally printed for a total of $11 ECB's + another $4/20 CRT
On Tuesday I had to go to the DMV in the city before heading to work so I ran by CVS on the way there and did these two transactions:

Transaction #1
1 Gillette Body Wash - $3.99
3 Olay Body Wash - $5.99
1 CVS Cotton Balls - $1.69
1-$4/20 CRT
3-$2 off Olay Ribbons Body Wash
1-$1 off Gillette Body Wash
1-$2 off CVS Beauty Product
I spent $1.03 on my debit card and used $10 ECB's
Earned $11 ECB + ANOTHER $4/20 CRT
Since I got another $4/20 CRT I went ahead and did the 2nd transaction while I was there.

Transaction #2
2 Dawn Dish Detergents - $1/each
2 Pert Plus Shampoos - $2.50/each
1 Crest Whitestrips - $19.99
1 $4/20
2 $1 off Dawn
1 $2 off Pert
1 $3 off Pert
1 $7 off Whitestrips
I spent $10.14 and I did not use any ECB's choosing to save the $10 I had just earned.
Earned $1 ECB
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