Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Explanation Thursday - Oz

Osrick Fatboy, otherwise none as Oz was born in December 2002. Osrick means Divine Ruler and I thought it was appropriate for our new dog. I'm weird aobut naming pets. I always want to give them a real name. I know then what about Fat Boy...well we sent the papers to register him as Osrick Kenneth, but apparently Kenneth is a kennel name and you need permission from them to use that name. So upon S's suggestion we went with Fat Boy, in honor of Harley Davidson.

We got him from my step sister and her husband (they breed boxers) and since they were family we got to pick him out the day after he was born.He was the runt of the litter but as you can see he has grown to be a handsome part of our family.

**Oh and it was pointed out to me recently, I didn't do an Explanation Thursday for last week's picture. That little cutie is my beefy neice and it was just an adorable picture that I stole from my sis. No other explanation needed, she is too cute for words!**

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