Last week I discussed my lack of motivation when it comes to exercising and eating right. I put myself out there and announced my goals hoping that it would help to move me in the right direction.
Eh...maybe not so much.
My goals last week:
1. Drink 4 glasses of water a day.
2. Take vitamins EVERYDAY.
3. Work out with Jillian 3-4 times.
The reality:
1. While I did drink water everyday, I only managed to meet my goal of 4 glasses on two days. Blah. I tried carrying water with me all the time & I cut back on the diet sodas, but that didn't seem to help. I'm just not a big drinker period - another problem in itself.
2. I did take my vitamins everyday, except for Saturday & Sunday. Apparently everything falls through on the weekends including this.
3. This was a complete FAIL. I only worked out once. One single time, when I thought I would die and subsequently went to bed at 9-ish.
Ugh. That was not a good attempt at meeting my goals at all. I admit it and I'm not going to make excuses for it. I suck.
I will not dwell on the bad though. This is a new week & I will work on the these goals for the next 7 days:
1. Drink 4 glasses of water a day.
2. Take vitamins EVERYDAY.
3. Work out with Jillian 3-4 times.
Yep, they are the exact same because I am determined to tackle these before moving on.
Persistence will pay off. Right?
Good luck achieving your goals this week:-)
It is all a process. You actually did great with the vitamins.
Good luck. I agree, don't set anymore goals until you reach the ones you already have. Maybe you should cut the third one to twice a week and then when you do that, bump it up to 3 times a week. Just a thought.
Great update... glad you took your vitamins... Drink water it's the easiest!!!
It takes time to form new habits. Keep trying. Eventually it will stick. Jilian kicks everyone's ass, though. UGH! I don't think I could do her tapes 4X a week without dying. I have to throw some lower impact stuff in there, or else my knees and elbows rebel!
ANYTHING you do it better than nothing!! Just keep that in mind. I'm with you though, I am NOT a water drinker and have a really hard time with it. I have found though if I buy water bottles, I can drink that no problem. Weird I know so I buy the cheapest water bottles I can and then just always have them in the fridge.
Hey, victory in the small things, right? Hang in there and you'll get better. It takes 21 days to make a habit you know.
The working out is where I have issues. It's much easier to sit on my tush and "surf." I HAVE got to start making time for it!
With the vitamins...put them out on your counter. Maybe that will keep them front and center...
At least you have goals. That is more than i have right now! So, you are doing way better than me. Did that make ya feel any better? LOL
You can do this! And I'm proud of you for sticking with the same goals from last week. After you tackle these, you will feel so great! And I struggle with the fluid intake too. I'm just not a big drinker either and unfortunately, I tend to crave Coke rather than water. Bleh.
You do this to your self. I love you the way you are.
This cracks me up. Being pregnant I've tried and tried to up my water intake, but let's face it - water is kind of gross after a while!
Maybe Jillian isn't the way to go for you? I've always had a really hard time getting into dvds or even the classes at the gym. I do much better doing my own routine of weights and cardio. Not trying to be un-encouraging, because god knows it's hard enough to get up and do this stuff, and I'm not sure what other workouts you've tried, but I thought I'd ask.
Best of luck on your goals! I always eventually fail at mine as well, especially any fitness related goals or ME related goals. You can do it!
I'm a water bottle gal, myself. I drink two full Nalgenes every day. Now the working out part? I guess I have to work on that a little...
Good job on holding yourself accountable...and I would totally repeat my goals until I nailed them...
I'm in agreement on you keeping the same goals... 'cause you will feel great once you've accomplished them.
As you know, I'm not big on water drinking... but I'm so proud of myself... I drank 2 glasses of water yesterday! I know my goal is 3 or 4 glasses of water each day... BUT I only had 2 Cokes (12 0z bottles) where FOUR bottles of Coke is my usual per day.
Now I just need to do some exercise...
Ya know there should be some way we can all get together and exercise.....my downfall also! But hey, new week!!
I think you did great. Don't kick yourself for missing, pat yourself on the back for what you did do.
Remember, water doesn't mean just WATER. You can drink juice, flavored water, tea, juicy fruits (not the gum). Cokes have water, but they tend to dehydrate.
Keep it up, you are doing great!
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