Tuesday, June 24, 2008

CVS Deals June 23-29

I owe so much to so many for bringing CVS to my life! Mainly I need to thank Money Saving Mom and The "Cent"sible Sawyer for showing me the light. Now onto my latest deal:

Here's what I got:

2 Listerine Smart Rinse - $3.49/each
2 Colgate Toothpaste - $2.49/each**
1 8 pk Bounty Paper Towels - $5.49

I used these coupons:

1- .25 off Bounty (from insert)
2- 1.00 off Listerine (PRINTABLE)
2- 1.50 off Colgate (from All You)

Total after coupons: .47 & $12 EBC's OOP

ECB's Earned = $10.98

**They rang for $2.99 BUT the sign said $2.49 so the manager did a price adjustment. This is not the first time that something has rang higher...be sure to look!

If I would have given it a bit more thought then I could have added a filler and used a $4/20 coupon, but S was waiting on me and I was in a bit of a rush and I was really focusing on rolling my $10 ECB (which I did) so I was thinking after coupon price instead of total. It seems I'm always thinking of different scenarios once I leave...

Want to see more CVS savings? Visit the "Cents"ible Sawyer's CVS Superstars! or Money Saving Mom


Anonymous said...

Great deals, I need to stop by CVS soon, I have ECB's burning a hole in my pocket!

Brandy said...

Great job. I wish I could get my oop that low.