Some popular searches people use to find my blog:
succulent soccer moms - Is someone planning on having a soccer mom roasted?
nude soccer moms - As if I would ever post a nude picture of myself anywhere. Pu-leeze.
soccer mom show me your wife -Again with the voyeurism...
"sex blog" - I know I've done a few posts regarding sex (like the Eden Fantasies giveaway or the Sexis plug) but I'd hardly consider this a "sex blog"
average mom sex - I'd like to think I'm above average thankyouverymuch.
+soccer mom f$cking - comment...
brother f$cker moms not home video hub - I don't even know what the hell this is supposed to mean, but I'm pretty sure I should be offended when the words brother & f$cker appear in the same sentence.
he f$cks his mom pictures - What is wrong with these people?!!

It seems I will have to come up with some code words or something, cause while I'm all for talking about "circus", I don't want to encourage all these pervie "circus" lovers to find their way here.
"Circus" of course, being my new code word...
Disturbing sums it up. Eeeewwwwww.
Isnt that crazy? I recently got:
porn4 ass - sounds like quite the movement and a bit redundant
want to f$ck my brother in the @$$ or something like that
There is something seriously wrong with people. Seriously.
Hmmm...I haven't checked my google analytics page in a while...and now I'm scared to!
Who knew soccer moms and the circus were such a hot topic!
Yeah, there are some strange people in this world. I don't want to say the feedback I got after I posted "Dove Porn" on my blog! It was a funny post, but oh my gosh, some sick responses!
One of my cousins, after she had children, decided no cuss words - so instead of saying "certain" words - she and her husband developed it into "fish" instead. Such as "fish you" and "fish head" and "go fish yourself" Ahem. It made for fun fights, because you just can't stay mad at someone when the argument becomes funny.
I agree with the CAT
I have never done my analytics after one year of blogging just for this reason.
I Can't Handle the TRUTH and am in awe of you who can!!
I made the mistake of titling a post "my Little Nudist" since Josie is not fond of clothes. The pics of her weren't nude of course-she had on diapers and sometimes shoes. And she's 2! Still the pervs come out in force for that one . . . I think I've fixed it by placing a * in the middle of the word . . .
Stupid pervs-don't want to have to make the blog private . . .
Oh, I love my google anayltics. Some of the things people are looking for...outrageous. I need to do a post on this sometime.
And I like the circus. The radio station that I listen to calls it "sailing."
Some people are just too creepy.
I didn't know there was such a thing as a Google Analytics page, but now that I do, I'm going to look into it, and I'm hoping my results aren't as creepy as yours. Some of those though, I admit, made me giggle. Ahhhh the interwebz, there's just nothing else quite like it.
Who knew the soccer mom sex niche was such a hot one. Well played.
Hmm,who knew you were a fav of the pervs? That's okay, I have most of Europe finding my blog looking for images of "a hole in the head." ????? I did a blog post a year ago about Julia getting her ears pierced and I STILL get lots of hits for that one. Go figure. What does most of Europe want to see a hole in a head anyway?
love the code word....very funny!!!!!!
Oh my gracious! I literally just almost peed my pants LOL but take pride that you don't come up under "mom jeans" ...people can be so sketchy sometimes!
Oh my.
I did giggle at nude soccer moms though.
And this.. this is why I dont check to see how people find my site.
Oh, and why I keep my mommy blog totalllllllllllly seperate from this one Im posting under.
Why? Cause Im a perv. :P
HAHAHAHA! OMG OMG! that is HILARIOUS! Wow, I thought people found MY blog in strange ways but this is def. A little stranger! Man, you must be disappointing a lot of people! lol
Waka doo baby.. waka doo! I can't wait to see what you get if you so a post after SITScation "what happened in Vegas..." ... freaks, ya gotta luv em!
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Oh my is right!!!
There are some truly, sick people out there and it sickens me when they find their way onto our blogs!!!! Ya know??
I just got Google Analytics. You'll have to show me how to bring up the search results because I haven't seen that option.
Uhhhhh, so I came here looking for hot nude soccer moms that will only have sex with midgets dressed like a this the place??
Funny! Never knew soccer moms could be soo exciting!
Oh, and what you said about your nephews in your profile...priceless. I'm too much of a whimp to comment on mine...
How 'bout succulent nude soccer moms? Can we find any of those on your blog? ;)
Shannon is pure evil. Wonder how many blog hits you will get now? ;)
I have been trying to come by and read this everytime I see it in my blog roll and as always, you managed to make me laugh so hysterically, I had to dig out the depends :(
Again, the clown porn issue - you asolutely must know why you have followers. I don't even remember how I found you. I just hope your followers aren't the same people looking for soccer mom porn.
Have a great day and as always, thanks for the laughs!
Those are doozies. I get a lot of hits from searches for "naked midget."
Frickety-Fracken preverts...
You seem to hit the mother-load of pervs!
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