Harley riding, rock loving, texting, marching band/track/basketball stepmom
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
He says...(Guest post by S)
I don't know what to blog about or vent. It could be how we have an inexperienced President. No, that's a touchy subject. I wish it were a female. At least then they would be better to look at.
I could vent on how a couple of our "close" friends are 2 faced and inconsiderate m'fers, but that's not cool and I don't want to step on any toes.
Let's talk about birthdays. B got a whole Birthday week, with a different present everyday; she even got to pick which one to open. I got a bag of peanut M&Ms (A BIG BAG!) which is one of my favorites. Plus B is paying for new grips for the Street Glide, which are going to make it a point of putting miles on this year with or without the "friends" riding with us.
I would like to thank all of ya'll who wished me a Happy Birthday this year. The kids are getting older so they came through this year and bought me some candy, which is the sh*t. I think it's called Ferrero Rocher. I know it's round and in gold wrapping. The really great thing about this is that the kids really paid for it.
Who does Jason Statham think he is? Beating up like 19 guys, taking his shirt off doing it and using it as a weapon. And doing it in front of a woman, who is actually licking her lips for him. So realistic. :)
Last time I guest blogged, I wrote about B and how wonderful she is. I don't have to do that this time since you all know she is. Please check out how much money she is saving on her Craving Savings blog. I tell everyone to check it out.
Last but not least when she reads this she will know it's for her.
This was a guest post by my hubs, S, who turned in his assignment several days early this time after being called out by TMM. I swear he really wrote this, even the now infamous smiley face. I may have edited some of the curse words but you still get the point. If you want to see who else is guest blogging today TMM has it linked up HERE.
Monday, March 30, 2009
"Sock"er Mom?
Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2009-03-30 16:19:03 UTC
Jules said...
There are Happy Bunny socks??? How have I gone through life without knowing this? Must get some . . . .
March 27, 2009 1:09 PM
And now she will have a pair of her very own! ~Hey Jules, I'm emailing you for your address now!~
Thanks to everybody for playing along. I'm taking a little break today but I'll be back tomorrow with the infamous GUEST POST from S.
And I've got more surprises coming up for my faithful followers!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Sock It To Me!
Everyone IRL knows that I love them so I get socks as gifts all the time. Both S and Lil Sis got me socks for my birthday this year.
Needless to say I have a lot of socks. All kinds of socks. Which sometimes make it in my dresser drawer but were hanging out in this tub last night while S repaired my drawer.
That's right it broke cause...well, I'm sure you can guess why.
I've got Holiday ones...
Socks with words, flames, stripes and a story about pigs...
My favorite pair is the "I ♥ ME" ones not just because that's true but they are super duper soft AND I can wear them with just about any color.
Character socks with everything from whales & Woodstock to Happy Bunny & frogs... the psycho kittie pair says "I am totally happy and not dangerous mostly" and Spongebob says "No more Mr. Nice Sponge"! LOL!I wanted to share my obsession with you guys, and not just in pictures. Today I'm having a secret giveaway (shhhhhhhhhh!) just for my regular peeps. And anyone who is lucky enough to see this post before Monday.
That's right I'm sending one lucky reader a new pair of funny and/or cute socks just for commenting. No hoops to jump through, no links to post, nothing like that - it's just for hanging around and putting up with me.
So just leave me a comment and I'll draw a winner on Monday @ Noon.
You know what that means...more sock shopping for me! I can see it now - "But honey, it's for the blog!"
Sounds like a good excuse to me...
Thursday, March 26, 2009
TV Time with S...

For the last few months he's been playing Poker on one of those MySpace apps whenever he has a free moment.

As you can see he takes it very seriously.

Not that he has a choice when I may have been irritating him.
Me: "Poker Player"
S: "Blogger"
Me: "Bitch"

This may have been after he told me I wasn't allowed to have candy after 7 o'clock anymore. And it just may have been a reaction to my impersonation of Paula Abdul, and her seal-like clapping hands.

Or it may have been just after I saw a commercial for Fringe and commented that I should use hulu.com to catch up on it so that I could watch the new season.
He may have rolled his eyes at me.

When AI was recapping and getting ready to go off S started up the steps to bed this conversation may have took place.
Me: "But I can't sing to you if you're upstairs."
S: "I know."
TMM this one is for you.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Worthless Wednesday
Imagine my surprise when I see S being called out over at TMM's place. Cause last time she hosted a guest blogger thingee he didn't write his post until a few days after the initial link up. Then he had the nerve to be all whiny cause my lil sis's guest post got more comments.
Goes to show you that sometimes being on time matters. I mean I'm not going to live by that rule, but everyone else should.
If you want to participate in the Guest Bloggy Thingee this time the link up is going to be on Tuesday March 31st at TMM's. And please for the love of all that's holy - Be. On. Time.
Again that doesn't apply to ME, just everyone else.
This morning as I was running late
I love this song so much it's a permanent part of my body.

Listen to the words...it's deep.
Unlike this post.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Pluck that!

I've never taken the plunge into waxing and to tell the truth, I'm scarred. That's not a typo - I'm scarred because I've seen the bad side of waxing.
Wax on. Wax off.
My friend had her eyebrows waxed, for the first time, before her wedding. Apparently the wax was too hot, or she had a reaction to the wax but either way she ended up with a huge scab on her eyebrow 7 days from her wedding date.
Wax on. Skin off.
Thankfully the scab was healed enough that we could cover it all with a nice layer of foundation, but it has truly scarred me and scared me off from waxing.
Plucking works...

However, I'm constantly checking my eyebrows for stray hairs and I carry tweezers in my purse because the best light is often found in my car. It drives S nuts that I'm constantly in the mirror checking out my eyebrows and sometimes grooming while on the road.
Not to mention that I have curly hair. Curly HAIR. That means that my eyebrows also have a tendency to have a mind of their own and go astray.
And the nice ladies that do my pedicure are always asking "You want wax?" making me all paranoid like I may actually resemble Groucho.
So friends of the blog, should I wax? Or should I just say PLUCK THAT and keep on doing what I'm doing? If you wax, what do you love or hate about it?
Monday, March 23, 2009
Another Uninspired Monday Meme...Part 1
And Lord knows I need help on Mondays...
1. What is in the back of your car right now? Umm...I have a coat & a sweater in the backseat. Then in the very back back there's a laundry basket that stays there so that bags don't go flying everywhere when I drive. And paper towels.
2. When was the last time you threw up? Forever and a day ago. Seriously I have no freaking clue it's been that long. Thank goodness! I hate throwing up...it's just gross and then you have to clean the mess up. Ewwww.
3. What's your favorite curse word? Fuckity, fuck, fuck.
4. Name 3 people who made you smile today? It's still early but Stevie and CVS. I stopped in this morning on the way to work and got some amazing coupons. LOL! Yep. I'm a couponing dork.
5. What were you doing at 8 am this morning? Driving on the interstate, on my way to work with a quick CVS detour.
6. What were you doing 30 minutes ago? Getting my CVS coupons. It's only 8:48AM here so I haven't done anything but shower and drive to work.
7. What will you be doing 3 hours from now? Working, aka blogging
8. Have you ever been to a strip club? Yep. I wasn't impressed.
9. What is the last thing you said aloud? "Yeah that sounds about right." My Dad asked me if I was in a bad mood. I replied No. Are you? And he said yes.
10. What is the best ice cream flavor? Right now I'm loving coffee flavored ice cream w/ chocolate chips. But I'm not opposed to any ice cream flavor.
11. What was the last thing you had to drink? COFFEE! w/ hazelnut creamer
12. What are you wearing right now? Jeans, A7X tshirt, gray fleece, mules and plain white socks. (Which is so unlike me!) My undies don't match today...I have on a white bra, and nude colored panties.
13. What was the last thing you ate? Last night we had barbecued chicken, mac & cheese, broccoli and deviled eggs for dinner. No breakfast for me yet.
14. Have you bought any new clothing items this week? Not for me. I bought some stuff for Lil J, Beefy and BN #3 that will go in their Easter baskets.
15. When was the last time you ran? 10th grade gym class. No, really it was last week when it was raining and I didn't want to get soaked, but trust me when I say it's not that often.
16. What's the last sporting event you watched? Stevie had basketball on Saturday. I haven't a clue if it was college or NBA, who the teams were or what the hell was going on.
17. Is your TV on? No I'm at work, but I keep the radio on all day.
18. Who is the last person you emailed? I replied to a comment from Julia @ The Sporadic Cook.
19. Ever go camping? Yes, but not in the typical tent fashion. We had a toy hauler that had all of the real world amenities I'm used to - A/C, microwave, TV. I don't do "roughing it".
20. Do you have a tan? No. I have pasty white legs and funky tan lines from being sun burnt already.
Be sure to come back tomorrow for more drivel, more random facts and more bright colors!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Winter can SUCK IT!
Hells yeah!
Now I'm just waiting patiently for the warmer temperatures while the dogwoods bloom...

While the tulips pop up...

While the bunnies multiply...

Have a great weekend ya'll!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
The Unwelcome Visitor
Hormones suck.
The End...
Ahem. Oh, that's not going to work again huh!?
Well alright then. I'll just point out that it was only 23 days ago that I wrote that very statement and it applies again.
TMI? Maybe. But I'm whiny and I feel like complaining.
I did my Superwoman thing Monday and Tuesday. The bad behavior started Tuesday evening. I was saying evil things and overreacting. To. Everything.
Combined with my face breaking out, I knew it was coming. Yesterday I hit every emotion known to humans and maybe some that isn't. I was tired. Hot. Cold. Bored. Busy. Exhausted.
But couldn't sleep.
Literally tossed and turned all night. I think the best sleep that I got all night was after the alarm clock went off and I hit the snooze button. That is until it went off 9 minutes later.
I have been dealing with this "visitor" since I was 12. But I was one of the lucky ones that never had an issue with it in my younger years. Three days from start to finish and it was a wrap. I had friends that would miss school, miss work and lie in bed for days.
Not me.
I must have bragged one too many times though. Because for the last 5 years it has been increasingly longer, more painful, intertwining itself with an emotional roller coaster.
...And I want off the ride.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
First Class Happiness...
Then I got home. When I saw my kitchen table the clouds parted, sunshine rained down on me and blue birds sang in my ears.
First one I opened was a birthday gift from my WV pals...BumpIts! Huh? "Bump whats" you may be saying?
These are BumpIts...
They are described as "hair volumizing inserts". I'm happy to say they really work. In fact I'm wearing a small bumpit today and looking cute if I do say so myself.
Then the next package was from Jen @ My Life with the Crazies.
Cause I won TWO different giveaways during SITS Spring Fling, one of which was a Vera Bradley purse with matching wallet from Jen.
Love, love, love it! Green IS my favorite color...
I also won Sunday at Tiffany's by James Patterson from Tiffany @ Poetry and Hums AND Eat at Home.
The same Tiffany that was trading comments for donations to the Global Food Crisis Fund. The same Tiffany that posted a Depression Era bread recipe yesterday that I promptly went home and made.
Yes sirree, after I opened all my gifts I made 6 loaves of bread, a chocolate loaded cake, a huge bowl of baked beans AND dinner AFTER work.
And I even cleaned up my mess. Can you say Superwoman?
Happy St. Paddy's day ya'll!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Baby Got Bling
So we went to Walmart. I know, I know. Everyone hates Walmart but there are two places to get your ears done here and the other one never has a freakin' piercer there.
Lil J did pretty good. She cried a little with the first ear and we got her calmed down before the second one. You'll see it was done with bribery, aka the bottle. And she had actually started to drift to sleep.
Do you want to guess what happens when the baby is almost asleep and someone shoots your ear with an earring?!
Let's just say it wasn't pretty.
Thankfully her new baubles were and she calmed down pretty quickly.
Here's the photographic evidence of Friday's torture process at Walmart:
Pre-Walmart we have a happy baby...

Then not so much...

The end result...

Baby got bling!
Friday, March 13, 2009
Flashback Friday
Growing up I had no idea this little bundle of joy would become my best friend, soul mate and husband. Thankfully fate was on our side.
I was first attracted to your look, your confidence and your attitude.
Before long I was feeling twinges of love and butterflies in my stomach whenever we were together.
We didn't date very long before we were married, which I'm sure was a mystery to those around us. I just knew you were the one.
Every year we've been together has been better than the one before. We may not be perfect but we are perfect for each other.
Your love for me and your family is unconditional. Your strength is something that we pull from. Your loyalty is unwavering.
You showed me love, made us a family and took me on adventures that I'd only dreamt about.
S, I love you more than I ever thought possible. You brighten my world. I pray that everyone will experience a love like ours in their lifetime and know what it feels to be truly loved.
Happy Birthday Snookums!
Now the rest of you go gag somewhere else. When you're done go visit Denise's Flashback Friday.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Life Lesson Thursday ~ Random Edition
2. Prisoners that have previously escaped from prison will try again so don't allow them to stay in a minimum security prison with access to bed sheets. True story.
3. Buy styrofoam plates so you can take time to enjoy the view and not worry about the dishes.
4. When in doubt always wear sunscreen.
5. Enjoy dessert. In moderation.
6. Never order the special without asking the price first.
7. Don't live beyond your means, buying stuff you don't need and can't afford.
8. Embrace your family. Even if they are crazy.
9. Be involved in your kids life and activities. Meet their friends. Get to know their interests. You'll be happy you did.
10. Don't wait until the morning of to write a themed post. You will have writers block and be forced to write random crap.
Bless you for getting this far.
Now you need to read some real writing from a much more talented blogger than I...hurry on over to Denise's Life Lesson before your mind is completely numb.
But not before you leave me a comment. Gee, this comment withdrawal stuff is tough!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
What The @#$%? Wednesday
After visiting at least a 100 other blogs (maybe twice that many!) I'm bushed. Last night I emailed my partner-in-crime for Theme Week Denise and told her to expect a later post from me today cause I just wasn't motivated last night.
And now I'm wondering where all the comments are today? Yes! I'm having comment withdrawal already. WT!@#?
This is sure to get me plenty of comments...have ya'll seen the new Britney faux pas video?
A lot of people are saying WT!@#? but who are they kidding?! It's not the first time her vajayjay has went public. It was just the first time she was coherent enough to care.
Meow! That was a little catty huh?
I'm not picking a winner until Noon (EST) today so you still have time...
The winner has been announced HERE!
So leave me some comment love and then head over to Denise's place and check our her What The...? Wednesday post!
Please head over to Eat at Home today. Tiffany is doing a great "fundraiser" of sorts. All YOU have to do is comment on her post and for each comment a $1 will be donated to the Compassion Global Food Crisis Fund. For EACH comment up to 100. Come on people you can do this!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Tidy Tuesday @ Spring Fling
Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:15
Timestamp: 2009-03-11 16:13:13 UTC
Congrats Preston! The best BITS out there just earned himself a $20 Target card! WOOHOO! His least favorite chore is cleaning the toilet...I'd have to say that was the #1 answer, followed closely by laundry.
Since it's Theme Week around these parts, the official blogging topic is Tidy Tuesday but since it's also SITS Spring Fling I'm not going to talk about actual cleaning.
Besides I don't really like to clean.

Instead let's talk about YOU cleaning up when you win my SPRING FLING Giveaway!
I know you've got a lot of blogs/giveaways to get to today so I'm going to keep it short and sweet. Like me. Except I'm 5' 6" and not always sweet, but I digress.
There's a $20 Target gift card up for grabs...

And to win just leave me a comment telling me your LEAST favorite chore.
That's it. That's all.
Oh and please make sure that I have some contact information for you, because if I can't reach you then I gotta void your entry.
A winner will be drawn using Random.org at Noon on Wednesday, March 11th and the winner will have 24 hours from that time to contact me.
Now pop over to Denise's Tidy Tuesday post. I'm sure it's superior to mine and she's got a great Spring Fling GIVEAWAY going on too!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Multipurpose Monday
I started thinking of how versatile a simple toothbrush can be.
Obviously the small size makes it perfect for grooming your eyebrows.
Or getting rid of those pesky rough heels. That is if you didn't just get a pedicure on Saturday where the girl already made your feet baby butt smooth before lacquering your toe nails in green.
Use it when there are unmentionables laying around that you would rather not touch.
But it's not just for the bathroom. Take it to the kitchen to help clean up small spills on the counter top.
Or cleaning the back splash that got grimy.
Finally, when you're done be sure to wash your hands and clean your nails.
Betcha didn't think a toothbrush could be used for so much. Hmmmmm neither did I, but you'll do just about anything to make sure you start off the week right with a semi-funny post.
I'd like to say that the toothbrush was not harmed in the making of this blog post, but alas it gave it's life for Multipurpose Monday. There was no way in hell I could use it again. For anything. Oh and all these pictures were totally staged so I really can't attest to whether they really work. I'm a fraud. Sorry about that.
Have you guessed yet? Theme Week is BACKKK! So go visit Denise and find out what's she's saying about Multipurpose Monday. And then come back tomorrow as we both celebrate SITS Spring Fling with a GIVEAWAY!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Birthday presents...
This was Saturday's gift:
A beautiful ginger colored Harley Davidson tank.

Notice anything familiar?

This was today's gift:

A cute black Harley tank. And I still have one more to go! And I finally guessed the theme-all my gifts are related to Summer.
Oh and I gave myself a "summertime" gift this week too...

You might be a redneck if...well, if your neck is red.
Good times ya'll!