*I've had a FaceBook account for a minute now (I'm HERE if you want to add me.) but just became active a couple weeks ago. I added a few IRL friends and a few bloggy pals, but didn't really look for any previous classmates as so many people do.
Well now they are starting to find me so here's my question(s)...
These are not people that I kept in touch with after school and I wouldn't consider us friends or even associates. By accepting them does that mean I'm obligated to speak to them if I happen to see them out? Do I have to pretend to be interested in their updates (cause I'm really not)? Should I even accept them?
*My Survivor guy got kicked off last night. Jerry had some stomach issues so they voted his ass off the island. Boo! (Sorry Brandy R!)
*The butt dialing commercial is one of my favorites.
I saw another one last night that I really liked but I cannot for the life of me remember what it was now. We were watching America's Best Dance Crew and I thought to myself, find that on You Tube. Now I have no idea what it was. Ugh.
*Speaking of ABDC, you MUST watch this performance. (It starts at the 55 second mark.)
*I'm down 7 pounds now, which is a freakin' miracle since some of my bad habits have creeped back in. I'm still drinking water everyday and I do well during the day but the weekends are when it all falls apart.
*Yesterday we had springlike weather but it's supposed to rain today and snow Sunday. Why does Mother Nature keep playing with me?? Even S is ready...check out his comment from the other day:
Blog about us going on vacation to a warm place with lots of adult beverages and half naked people, that's what I want to do. HE HE. Blog about how beautiful and amazing I think you are. Should get lucky for that one. I heart U.
*During ABDC last night S said he wanted me to get a shirt like this

Because he thinks I'm beautiful and amazing he doesn't realize it would need to be 10 sizes bigger, 20 inches longer and then I'd still have to lose at least 20 more pounds before attempting it. I love him for that.
*Why doesn't blogger recognize the word bloggy?
*Don't forget The Celebrity Apprentice comes on Sunday night! Note to self: set DVR so we can watch Big Love and then watch TCA after.
Phew! I feel better already. Now I've made room...maybe this time I can fill up with something substantial.
Yeah right.
Have a great weekend ya'll!