I sat straight up in bed.
Huh?!?! What was that?!
I KNOW I heard something so now I sit still and strain to hear it again.
I see a small flashing light through the bathroom door & I've almost convinced myself that it must be storming.
After a few more minutes, I get up and check out the window. Nope. It's not lightning. Then the flash again.
It's my Glade Sense & Spray. Duh.
I creep back to bed and continue to listen for any suspicious noises. Ten minutes pass. Twenty minutes pass.
I'm straining to hear over S snoring, grinding his teeth & the
fan. Still nothing.
Thirty minutes pass.
I start mentally reviewing the entrance points of my home, determining where the least secure point is. Then I think of the items that an intruder would take.
Forty minutes pass.
I decide that I can live without all of it and try to go back to sleep. Then I remember that I left my laptop out.
Panic sets in. My LIFE is on that computer - pictures, financials for me & the company I work for, personal information and tons of other stuff I cannot be without.
An hour has passed.
I decide that my laptop is worth protecting so I grab the remote control.
(Hey it was that, body spray or a "BOB". I don't keep weapons by my bed.) As soon as I hit the hallway I turn on the light and creep my way towards the living room.
I check the doors & look outside for suspicious activity. Nothing.
I flip the light on downstairs and hurry down the steps to grab my laptop, making a quick peek at the door downstairs. Nothing seems to be disturbed.
I'm back in bed with my laptop safely upstairs, the remote back on the nightstand and my fears quashed. I lay back on my pillow and snuggle into my blankets but my mind is not ready to sleep.
It races for another hour until I see 4:00 flash on the clock. Ugh.
Being a scaredy cat is exhausting.