Quotes from Paula Deen's Kitchen Wisdom:
"Bein' rich is having leftovers. Good leftovers make yo' tongue fly outta yo' mouth and smack yo' brains out." Leftovers sound painful. Painfully good.
"Nobody better get between a fat girl and her food, 'specially if the girl's me." Amen.
"I never met a Campbell's soup I didn't like." Me neither Paula, me neither.
"Michael said one day that I was the only person he knew who put butter in her cornflakes." I don't know anyone that does this, but it sounds strangely delicious.
"Oh I would be so teed off if I didn't put butter on my biscuit one mornin' and I walk out there and a truck hits me. And there my ass is, lyin' out in that street to die healthy. Oh, nooo, darlin'." Perhaps I should rethink this whole diet thing.
"And if I find mold and spoiled food and opened cans without covers and a funny smell in someone's refrigerator when I'm lookin' for a can of soda-well, I'm going to be too plump busy to go to her barbecue." Ditto.
And finally my personal favorite...
"You know, I am so sick of cuttin' on my television and everyone on it is obsessed with livin' forever. Well, I have a news flash: Ain't none of us gettin' out of her alive."
You don't get much more real than that.
I was reading those with her Paula accent - cannot read them any other way :)
hehe so was i Too Many! BUT i bet i sound way worse seeing im not good at her accent then u throw in my aussie accent on top of it LOL my son wanted to know what i was crackin up about so i read it out allowed to him accent n all and he raised one eye brow and looked at me and walked away...his 6 mind u LOL.. I love Paula ive always wondered what it would be like having her in ur family or just as a friend!
LOL, I love those.
paula deen always makes me think of this chocolate cheese ball recipe thing and makes me want to try them.
yummmmmm great now i'm hungry!
Amen, Sister, Amen:)
Paula is awesome! Those are some good quotes there.
ROTFLMAO - "ain't none of us gettin' out of her alive." OMG - SO freakin true! We need to enjoy life, no? That includes GOOD FOOD! Hehe. Loved this post!
You know Paula is someone you love while hating at the same time.
You can't help but find her funny and cute and wonderful.
But at the same time there is this tiny part of you (errr me) who thinks MY GOD SHE IS ANNOYING.
But those sayings are right on aren't they.
I had so much fun when I saw her in person. She is just hilarious. And all these quotes?! I had no idea...
LMAO you totally win. Rachel Ray is WAY more annoying and irritating!!
too funny! apparently i need to get myself a paula deen cookbook... that is my kinda woman!
I love Paula! I have one of her cookbooks (Thanks to the uber-awesome Lula) and I watch her show all. the. time. I also kind of have a crush on her sons. Both of them. Something about men with those accents AND they can cook. Yummy.
That's some sound advice right there. Love me some Paula Deen. Just wish Ang and I could've met her when she was here...
I love Paula..
Paula Deen is fabulous!!! Her restaurant in Savannah is wonderful!
I love Paula! I wish she was my neighbor...seriously!
I'm so glad you're enjoying the books! Paula is my main gal. She just doesn't know it yet. :-)
These are so awesome! I love Paula! I had the opportunity to meet her a few years ago while in Savannah at her restaurant. She is sweet and down to earth.
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