Then on the one night when I could go to bed at a halfway decent hour what do I do?
I stay up till after 1AM reading a book.
A GOOD book. A GREAT book. Obviously a I-couldn't-bear-to-put-it-down book.
So run on out, grab this book because it's the first one:

Then get this one:
But please for the love of all that is holy, make sure you have adequate time to finish it and/or you don't have to get up early the next morning.
Let me know if you've read them so we can discuss, which really means I need another person who will understand why I am in desperate need of the third book now.
The third book that does not have a release date.
That is all.
YAY a book recommend. I put it on my "to be read" list :)
I need no... I NEED to know what these books are about!! I love a good book lol
Thanks for not making me feel like such a dork for being scared of bumps in the night. And my 5 year old is going to be 6 in a month so she is in 1st grade and her school teaches Japanese.. I just help by listening to it and trying to learn from her LOL.. The books look great too....I love to read.
Yep...I've read 'em. I wish she wrote all three and then released them. Some of the smutty books I read do that. They will release the triology over the course of three consecutive months. Waiting a year will be challenging. And then she's working on the screenplay. I hope that is not preventing her from the time she needs to spend on the third book!
I hate starting a series when they aren't even finished writing them. Then I am impatiently waiting for them to finish!
I've been know to stay up late while reading too. I love to read.
OH MAN - another series to put on the list?! if it's one that keeps you up at night, i probably should put it on my list...
I did the same thing!! I read it over the course of two nights, both times into the wee hours. Needless to say when the kid got up at 6:30AM I was not happy.
LOVED the book. Except I hate that now I have to wait forever to find out what happens! Will she wind up with Peeta or Gale? Did you see the whole ending coming?? I didn't. At all.
As soon as I'm done with the book I'm currently reading... The Hunger Games is next.
You have been challenged!.
Best. Book. Ever.
Oh my stars, Catching Fire was even better than The Hunger Games.
I will CUT a biatch who claims the Twilight series is better. 'Cause I love me some Edward and Bella, but they are NOT Katniss. Or Peeta. (I'm Team Peeta, by the way.)
Cannot believe we have another year long wait. Yet again. Dang...
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