Last week S went to have some more work done on his latest tattoo...

It's a cover up of an older, much smaller dragon that is better suited to go with the shiny new gargoyle he got in November.

During this session, Tattoo Guy mainly focused on the background...note the dark & ominous clouds and the continuation of the "sky" from the gargoyle piece.

Tattoo Guy did start to put some of the color in the tail of the dragon too, but I think that was just to get an idea of how the greens would work with everything else since S choose green.
Specifically he wanted the same green as what is in the gargoyle's "frame".

I think it looks friggin' awesome.
That is coming along SO good!!!
It's beautiful, the green is amazing! I love the Japanese style tattoos.
Tat-toodles! (sorry couldn't resist)
I like it!
I can't even begin to imagine the pain that must have caused. Looks good though! :)
Wow, that is REALLY looking good!
I like the greens! Covers up the other really well.
Too much pain for my taste... i'm a baby!
VERY cool!!
WOW! I can't wait to see it finished!!
It is looking great. Your guy does awesome work!
That is looking amazing. You're guy is killer.
That is impressive!!
Oooo! I am not a tattoo-liking person, but that looks COOL! :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog. :)
Totally love it - I wish I had the nerve to get something that big..
So I'm "back" yet I'm late posting here! What gives?
That is incredibly amazing!!!! How long does it take for a session? This was the second for that tattoo, right?
Love the Asian inspired dragon! The detail is great...the scales and whiskers.
That looks so good. Can't wait to see it when it is done.
It does look pretty awesome, but it looks painful too. I don't think I could sit still enough to have a tattoo.
That looks awesome! I have always wanted to get a tattoo but I just can't decide what I want. Plus, there's the whole pain thing. And the money.
I agree- friggin awesome!
It DOES look awesome! Geez, that's a lot of work!
awesome is right.
Big oucha from me.. I couldn't do that.. I would cry
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