Here are a few pictures that I've taken either at Beefy's 1st birthday party or just messing around. None of the pictures have been edited at all...

This past weekend was SS's Prom so of course I had to take pictures of him and the gf before they left to meet their friends.

Insanely I volunteered to work After Prom so S and I reported to duty at 11:30 Saturday night and stayed until after 4 in the morning working one of the blackjack tables.
This was my first year volunteering, but I will say that the committee did a GREAT job! The cafeteria looked nothing like the cafeteria and there were so many activities for them to choose from - fortune teller, money machine, carictures, blackjack, inflatibles, etc. The best part is that it was all included in the price of the ticket.
All the kids had a good time and although I hate to admit it, so did we.
The next morning when I got up after only 4 hours of that was a different story
Wonderful pictures! I love the second picture of your sweet baby.
What great pics!
Great pictures. Good times call for them, that's for sure :)
amazing pictures...the cake picture...priceless....and how cute is the prom couple...what a cool idea to have an after party....glad you had a great time too....welcomista stopping by to say happy SITS day
Great pictures! I am a sucker for kids with cake pictures! My parents have them of my brother and I and looking back at them always makes me laugh! Love the rings too. And the prom pictures look like they are so happy!
Cool idea for an After Prom party. We never had things like that growing up. Neat.
That baby is adorable! Super pics and the prom couple looked beautiful.
Wow, I would do the pre-volunteering, but never would volunteer for an 11:30-4:00am shift - I would have been sleeping standing up. What good parents you two are.
great the ring!!! and the bday pics...ahhhh!!!! post you survived. so i have to ask, is prom the same as it was when we were there???
Great pics. Thanks for stopping by my blog & sharing my special SITS day!
What a happy baby! I love that!
Prom pics are great, cute couple!
You're a better woman than me - I couldn't stay up that late for anything, I don't think. It does sound like fun, though.
What great pictures! That was so nice of your to volunteer those programs are wonderful they really keep the kids from going totally wild, drinking and driving :) You did a great thing! (i do realize that they do that sort of stuff anyways but Prom makes it even worst!)
your son and gf look adorable!!
I love your photos! Have you been using automatic settings or have you been playing with ISO other photography high tech stuff? I wish I could figure mine out. I would love to take a class.
Your SS looks very handsome. I'm glad everyone had such a great time, including you and S!
OMGosh, Beefy could not be more adorable!
SS's prom sounds like it was a fun time! I wish my shcool had done an "after prom" party like that!
Love the pictures - the baby is adorable!! And nice prom pictures, too. Your camera looks like it's really workin' for ya! You'll be all professional-like in no time. :)
Those grinning-kid pics made me grin! So cute.
Great pictures, beautiful family and scenery too. Thanks for sharing.
Great pics!
The little ones are adorable
(btw now I want cake)
SS and the gf are cute too.
4 am? OMG I'm old I don't remember the last time I was up til that hour on purpose!
Kudos on your dedication and bravery to chaperone a prom. Great photos, too.
Thanks for stopping by to say hello. I do indeed feel welcomed.
Great pics, cute kids!
Love the pics!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. :)
Yea! Finally pics of your family. I feel like I haven't really seen them...and what a great looking family!
Oooooo, pretty ring! Looks like you've been getting a lot of use out of that camera!!
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