Friday, April 24, 2009

Blog Fart Friday...again.

Blog Farts – noun. Def: Crappy ideas that are too short to make a real blog post, but when combined, join forces to make one unified, albeit half assed, post.
Definition coined by

I'm really loving this theme since random is my thing.

*All radio stations should play up beat music in the mornings, especially on Friday mornings.

*One exception to the that rule would be anything by Journey.

*I'm sooo sick of seeing AND hearing Susan Boyle. Please put her under whatever rock she came from. Seriously.

*Even after posting about dinner we still bought take out. The ginormous serving of spaghetti was enough for two meals though.

*Too bad I left it at home, which means I'll be going out for lunch too. Blah.

*My new camera rocks.

*S's new tattoo is going to be awesome. He got the outline last night so there's still a lot of work left but once it's done...woah. Pictures will be on FB later, and here next week. The work IS deserving of a real post.

*The weather is supposed to N.I.C.E. this weekend. I cannot thank Mother Nature enough...

*I'm taking the plunge into gardening and 99% sure that it will be a square foot gardening plot. I'll keep you posted.

I think that about covers my farts this week.

Somebody light a candle already.


Brindi said...

I totally agree about the music! There should be no special promotional thingies that entails the djs to talk endlessly. Also, ours does a "Drive at Five" to celebrate the end of the work day - all request - please, do not call in and request "The Climb" by Hannah Montanna. Where do you work that when you get out, you want to jam to that song? I need a little Biggie Smalls or something.

Kathy said...

The square foot gardening plot looks really cool! I want that!

mommakin said...

Kathy beat me to it, I was gonna say the same thing! Can't wait to see what your new camera can do and also the hubs new tat. And Mother Nature is rockin' it here, too! Yay!

Christie said...

figures it is suppsed to be pretty and i work all weekend, every weekend blah!! thanks for visiting me~

Christina - Rant Rave Roll said...

I so agree with you on upbeat music.... and the garden is way cool!

Anonymous said...

I'm not quite sure why the US media is all about the Susan Boyles thing. It's a TV show that's going on in Britain, and I really don't care about her new haircut or whether or not she lied about kissing a man. Yes, the clip from the show was fun to watch. 15 minutes (in the US anyway) is officially over.

The Royal Family said...

glad someone is getting nice weather it's suppose to rain out my bbq :(

~Trish~ said...

Happy Friday Toots ;)

Shannon said...

We've had a great day here, too... should be nice all through the weekend. YAY! Mother Nature has finally decided to cooperate!

Denise Grover Swank said...

I totally agree with the Susan Doyle uproar. Get over it already.

Be careful with that candle-- methane's flammable you know.

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

We tried squarefoot gardening. My husband made the planters from some old wood we had and planted some veggies. Unfortunately, the possums, raccoons and our kids had other ideas. My husband was not happy...Opps!

The Four Week Vegan said...

Totally agree about Boyles. I have thought about square foot gardening, but I really don't like gardening. I like the idea and the thought of growing my own food and cutting down on the food bill, but the part about gardening really turns me off.

Mary Lutz said...

LoVe Journey!!! Can't wait to see pics of tat. That means I have to find you on FB. :)

Ariel said...

Ohhh Susan Boyle! I'm sick of it too, although maybe I should be glad that the Brits are just as shallow (and shameless about it) as us Americans. I mean how sick is it that we're sooo freaking shocked that she can sing well because she's "unattractive".

Shawn said...

Wow, that square foot gardening thing looks pretty cool. I hadn't seen that before.

I lit several matches also. You're welcome. ;o)

Carrie said...


Angie's Spot said...

I've got to start participating in this each week. Those are some great "toots" that you've got there.

Devilish Southern Belle said...

I love Journey, too! One of our local djs plays a Journey song daily and says "Getting the mandatory Journey out of the way. What a buzzkill!"

Lula! said...

What's the radio?

Is that like an iPod?

I'm over Susan Boyle, too--but don't tell anyone I said that.

Hello--cannot wait to hear about your garden. I planted maters (Big Boy and Brandywine--in honor of you--hahaha! And cherry tomatoes, my fave!), cucumbers, peppers, squash, basil, and rosemary. Delish.

debi9kids said...

Just lit a candle. LOL