Friday, April 17, 2009

Blog Fart Friday

Blog Farts – noun. Def: Crappy ideas that are too short to make a real blog post, but when combined, join forces to make one unified, albeit half assed, post.
Definition coined by

This is my first time participating in the whole "Blog Fart" thing but it's far from the first time that I've just listed out a whole bunch of nothing from my mind.

I'm shocked that you guys keep coming back to read this stuff. Really.

Right now all I can think of is how much it sucks to be the only one getting up this morning. SS is on spring break this week and S decided to take off the last three days too.

Not only does it suck because of the obvious reasons, but also because I cannot watch the CBS Early Morning show. I watch the show to stay caught up on current events, the latest news, I really like Harry...and because it gives me a time frame to work with.

I know when the local news does the weather it's 7:25 - that means I have 20 minutes or less to finish getting ready. Today I had no idea what time it was while in the bathroom.

~sigh~ As if I need ANOTHER reason to be late.

The good thing about coming to work is that I get to listen to Steve radio. Do you guys have this?
It's a new station around here and I'm totally in love with it. Apparently there isn't any DJ's, just recorded messages and commercials in between lots of great music.

80's music.

The good stuff.

Ahhh, I ♥ it.

S is getting another tattoo next week, or at least the outline.

As usual I have a lot stuff to do this weekend. SS has a track meet tomorrow, my house needs to be cleaned, my yard needs to be de-weeded plus I would love to have a garden.

One day I will grow a tomato. This is my vow.

I need to buy supplies for Beefy's cake. She turns 1 on May 5th but her party is on May 2nd so I need to head to Michael's to pick up supplies to make her princess cake.

It's been a while since I made a character cake.

I watched most of the 1st season of The Tudors last night. Finally. I'm not sure what to make of it yet. I don't love it yet, but I like it. And then of course I might be biased cause I think that Jonathan Rhys Meyers is hot. Really hot.

See? Totally hot.

And now there is a nip picture on my blog. Great search material...

I need to cancel my standing hair appointment with my regular hair dresser since I went to a new place this week. It was eh...okay. Closer to the house and the same price, but I still don't think I'm ready to make a switch.

So that's some of the thoughts rolling around in my that I've shared them with you I'm off to SITS to check out their auctions today.

Have a great weekend!


Amber Dupree said...

Loved your fart.

NEVER thought I would write that!!

The Royal Family said...

That pic is blank for me, which is too bad because I have no idea who it is... or if you have good taste.
Have fun at the auctions!

The Four Week Vegan said...

Pic didn't work for me either and my friend keeps telling me about the Tudors and that dude.

An 80's radio station, oh I wish we had that, truly.

mommakin said...

Love me some good 80's music... Oh, heck, I love me some bad 80's music, too...

Hope we'll be seeing the progress on the new tat...

I have grown tomatoes, so it must be easy. My daughter has 4 plants going now that started as a school project. We just transplanted them yesterday. She said, "wouldn't it be cool if my school project turned into dinner some day?" Yes indeed it would...

That boy is purdy...

And that, I guess, is what you call comment farts...

Christina - Rant Rave Roll said...

Ha Ha.... Brandy farted!
[me pointing and snickering]

I love me some 80's music too!
And beefy & I share the same b-day.. sadly I am older.

Happy Friday

Shannon said...

We had a local radio station that was all 80s... but then they changed to country.

I don't listen to the radio- radio anymore... not since we have Sirius sattelite. I get my 80s fix that way.

And what is this about "The Tudors"? How can you watch it and NOT love it?! I'm about halfway through season 2. Trying to talk Shane into ordering Shotime... just so I can watch season 3! Dude, we can cancel the subscription when the season is over! I do agree JRM is hawt... but I only have eyes for Henry Cavill. He is YUMMY.

Anonymous said...

I love me some Tudors, and just because that man is HAWT in the first season. The second season he was not quite as hawt--and don't ask me why. It puzzled me. :)

Sassy said...

I am a fellow farter so I just thought I'd come and visit....I enjoyed reading your fartiness...

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

Phew...this blog stinks! Did someone fart?

Here is my comment fart:
What is the Tudors on?
I so miss watching Good Morning America.
Never heard of Steve Radio.
Yuck tomatoes!

Cathy said...

I have had a clock in my bathroom since my first apt.. I just can't get dressed without one..

Mrs. Jelly Belly said...

Ha! I love blog farts! Lately I have QVC on while I'm getting ready in the morning and when I hear the music for the Today's Special Value, that means it's 7:50 and I'd better get my ass out the door.

AiringMyLaundry said...

Oo I love The Tudors. Mainly because I've always been interested in Henry VIII. Boy was he a cranky man.

Carrie said...

That theme is hilarious!

I could totally join in because I'm pretty sure every post I write is filled with BlogFarts...

Denise Grover Swank said...

I'm such a slacker that I am just NOW reading this!!!! Slacker!! (me, not you.)

I love your farts, but I can't smell, so that might have something to do with it. But I doubt it because I <3 you!

Devilish Southern Belle said...

Oh, a BFF could be my blog posts on any given day!

rachaelgking said...

OMG! Blog fart Fridays... what a FANTASTIC idea! And YES, he is SO hot!

Lula! said...

Girl--I grow hundreds of 'maters every summer. I will support your desire to get your fingers in the dirt. Grow some tomatoes, girl.

you mentioned The Tudors and didn't even say a word about Henry Cavill as Charles Brandon?

BRANDY!!! We are breaking up. He is my boyfriend. I love him. And he's naked and tapping ass so much in the first season. (Um--the very first episode? His delicious, naked self getting it on with that Ho and her father walks in? That's good programming.)

King Henry has meth face. But he's still cute. He was almost completely full frontal in last week's ep. Something to look forward to for you...