Last night he pointed out to me that I had not blogged about his tattoo. He wanted me to blog about his tattoo. Hmmmm. Not sure what to say about that but I'm more than happy to show you his body art because it IS amazing.
I have to say that the pictures don't do justice to this piece - I got a little too much glare on most of them right on the cross, which IMO is absolutely stunning. It looks just like stone with all the shading and gray tones that Troy used.
This was the outline:

And then after the color on Tuesday:

When he goes back in 3 weeks, Troy will finish the gargoyles face, wings, the "sky" and the border. Already it looks so good. I can't imagine how great it will look when he's done.
I could see it already but I guess S's fragile, sensitive, little itty bitty back was in too much pain to continue. Poor baby.
Whatev. Be a man! I mean just because it felt like he was "ripping your skin off" (his EXACT words) doesn't mean that you just call it quits right?!
I really hope S doesn't see this until AFTER he picks up my Twilight tickets.
Honey, if you are reading this - I still love you! Even if you are a wuss.
4 hours?!?!?!??! And he still has to go back??? Yowza.
It does look pretty cool, though.
that looks awesome, but damn that's a long time for a tat!
Looks awesome but painfull.
When I get one (maybe), it will be 1/49,380,423 the size of that one!
Yep, I'm a total tatoo poser.
Oh, I have missed you this week...
And we must discuss the movie. I'll reserve my opinions until I hear yours.
Carrie cracks me up. And I am so thankful that I now know that I am a tattoo poser, too. I want one. Teeny tiny. And the non painful variety :-) I want a nose ring, too. Yeah...the pain is stopping me from doing that, too...
The color is looking great on his tattoo...but that is a long time to patiently wait for your skin to be flayed...
I LOVE it! I have an angel/devil theme going on on my back, and I can't wait to get more! I just wish my eyebrow piercing hadn't grown up (retail job, had to take it out, it eventually grew up despite my putting the ring back in)....I feel kind of naked without it!
That is an amazing piece!
Just so you and TatMiniMom talked about YOU. Today. While I was getting my tattoo. 'Cause she was there. Taking pics of my boo-tay. And we spoke of you.
Yes, we did. And yes, I did. was awesome. We must discuss.
Wow. I have a couple of questions, though: Does it hurt? And, is it worth it?
Oooo purty...even if he is a wussy. I've gone 6 and 1/2 hours in one sitting before. Everyone has there limits though. Did you at least get the tix?
Wow that is turning out soooo good!!
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