Friday, November 7, 2008

My bad...

I know I never posted yesterday but it was pretty busy around here. Then after work we had darts.

I'm still a good person though.

I promise I am.

Look I can prove it.

I made cookies for the boosters bakesale and snack mix for the hospitality tent. There were other ways I could have spent my Friday night but instead I did my duty at the stove.

I bought and delivered 20 plastic & 20 real pumpkins to Bratty Nephew #3's school for his Halloween party.

Delivery included carrying all the pumpkins to the classroom. And while I'm a good person, I'm not too smart. I didn't think to put them in some sort of container or bag so Sis and I had to carry 40 pumpkins and a baby through the school hallways.

Totally was worth it. Just look at his face.

Then I stayed for lunch. Sat in a little chair, at a little table with my knees near my chin while little kids gawked at me. I'd say that makes me good right?

Tomorrow morning I will be up before the sun in order to sell pancakes to the masses at our local Applebee's. In our community Applebee's provides us with a fundraising oppurtunity by selling tickets to a pancake breakfast. They provide the facility, the food and the cooks. The students (& parents) will collect money, serve and bus tables. We get to keep all the ticket sales; last year we raised $3000+ for about 4 hours of work.

I'm not a morning person so I'm being good by volunteering to work the early shift.

I took this one to the doctor a couple weeks ago. For FIVE shots. For sure that makes me a good aunt.

On Sunday I bought SS an IPOD touch for his 17th birthday. On Tuesday I found out that our WV pals are coming in so I've planned to have a surprise gathering at a bowling alley with his friends to celebrate.

I changed this one's diaper on Sunday.

I'm good because I'm sharing this adorable picture with you guys. Just try to look at it and not go "awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww"...

And finally I'm good because I did not get out of my car this morning and physically assault the lady that rode straight through a stop sign. Causing me to slam on my brakes, throw all my stuff to the ground and give myself a sore neck. I'm good because I didn't proceed to follow this lady to wherever she was going and give her a piece of my mind and taking with me a few pieces of her hair. I'm good because I'll refrain from finding her house and slashing her tires as I've fantasized about for the last hour.

I'm good because S told me I need to be. TGIF!


Lula! said...

You are SOOOOOOOOOOO Good. No, you're great. You are super mom. Super rock star, tattooed, band booster leading mom. Yep, you are.

Denise Grover Swank said...

Girl, you're so GOOD that you're a role model! I aspire to be just like YOU! LOL

I have to admit, you were pretty dog gone good with some of things, especially the stop sign.

Aleta said...

You're not just good, your great! Are those turtles that I spied in those goodies?

And his expression was priceless!

Anonymous said...

You're good because you got me. i would had cuss that witch out. It will be a good weekend. We have apple pie.

Brandy said...

ANON = Husband

Carrie said...

Woh! You were a busy beaver, weren't you??

I just yell and scream at people when I'm driving. I suppose I'd better stop that before my kid learns how to flip the bird.

And Raggedy Ann is adorable. I think midget should be Raggedy Ann next year!

Anonymous said...

Were those candy corn cookies? Cute.

And raggedy ann was adorable.

I Love Purple More Than You said...

Ok, if you send me some of those cookies with the hershey kisses in the middle (don't remember the name but they are my FAVORITE), then I will be your BFF for life!

Anonymous said...

Heh, I've done the Applebee's pancake breakfast thing a time or two before, with football. You've done way more than me, though, when it comes to parent volunteering!

Lump said...

YOU ARE GOOD!! you have been one busy lady!

and that picture of the cutie's face is priceless.