FS= Fancy Schmancy
But even though the are PG rated (Pinkie Promise!) most of them will never see the light of day. Especially the 1000+ self portraits I take.
Please say that I'm not the only one that does this. S makes fun of me because for doing it, so I need ya'll to have my back, k?
Since I'm not willing to humilate myself today (Maybe tomorrow - stick around, because you never know with me) here are a few more shots that I am willing to show you...

I couldn't resist taking a picture of these flowers. In fact I took several but I like this one the best.

The cousins gave me a hard time for taking pictures of my piggies but I didn't care. Art like that NEEDS to be documented. Plus I was playing with the settings to see what worked best. {shrugs}

Here I am with Grandma & S during our "family photo shoot". His cousin actually took this picture with my camera since I was beckoned to be in the photograph.
Tip: Being asked to crouch does nothing to give the illusion of a girly figure. This is NOT a recommended pose for anyone bigger than a size 4.

And of course I had to get one of Lil J with her great, great grandmother.
Sorry for the short post, but I have a graduation to attend today. The FS camera is charged and ready...and I'll try to focus on someone other than myself.
But just for today.
For a few hours. After that I cannot make any promises.
Do you digital scrapbook your pics? I keep thinking I should figure out that whole deal.
I love everything about photos, taking them, editing them and showing them off. Being in them is against my religion mostly :)
Love the toe art :D
The art of pretty piggies should never be left un-photographed! Don't worry I take self portraits on the regular...so what if they aren't always PJ and I email them to Mr.H's phone while he's at work ;)
sorry can't say I do. I HATE being in the pic, that's why i'm behind the camera most of the time, except with MIL gets her camera out... which is what happened with todays post... but I guess people like seeing fat prego bellys.
Glad your still enjoying your FS camera!!! :)
I don't take pics of myself. I keep thinking I should.
Nice to see you having fun with your new toy!!!
Hee Hee... I have tons of pics. I'm checking into removable hard drives now to store them. I just can't delete them. Are you crazy?
And, crouching? No thank you. I try to stick with head shots. ;-)
Beautiful pics, you look Great! So does hubby and Grandma. Cute tootsies too, you are motivating me to get a pedi.
You're doing great! I love the pictures of you and Lil J with your granny. One day you'll really cherish those.
Whose graduation? Nosy, I mean inquiring minds want to know!
ONLY 1000+ self-portraits? Come on... you can do more. I take pixs of toes too... sometimes just the toes and sometimes with the shoes.
Great pics! (I have the same flip-flops but my piggies aren't nearly as cute!) Have fun at graduation...
I'm the designated photographer in the house, so there are almost no pictures of me. Except the ones I take of myself. No, you're not alone. I generally don't let anyone else see them, either.
Take pictures of myself? Of course n....er....well....ok. Yeah, I do. But it's because no one else will take 100 pictures to find the one that will be at just the right angle to make me not look 45. Hee hee
Love the toes :)
I love your glittery flip flops!
I used to take tons of pictures when I got bored. I liked the editing part the best! Then my roommate and his friends wrestled on top of my camera and broke it :( And I don't have enough money to buy a new one. Sad.
Don't you just love your FS camera. I love mine.. did you ever name him/her.. Mine is "baby" cause when I got her G said it was like packing up a baby bag.
Nope... you're not alone in your self-picture-taking!
You are not the only one. I take self portraits all the time, playing with various looks and expressions, angles and lighting and camera settings. My grandkids are gonna think I was weird. Or terribly narcissistic.
The toes are simply smashing! I want me some fancy toesies!!
And your comment about crouching almost made me pee my pants! SO true!
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