Do you know WHY I know this?
Because S forgot to set the timer on the TV and this is what I woke up to. Eventually I had no choice but to get up and get the remote to cut off the TV because it was on his nightstand.
Does this make me happy?
No. It really doesn't. Especially since he also gave me a dirty look because I was running behind this morning.
Ya' think?! I wasn't exactly happy to hear the alarm clock going off this morning when I had just been woke up by this
The funny thing is that normally I have the remote and he always, ALWAYS asks me if I set the timer. ALWAYS. Even though I've done it for 864,857,859 days in a row he still asks me.
Too bad he failed to check himself.
We might have to rethink this whole remote/TV issue before some
We took the TV out of the bedroom years ago. The only time I regret it is when it's time to put laundry away.
That's gotta suck. Hope your day gets better!
That must have been sooo annoying. We don't have a TV in our bedroom and I sleep like a hibernating bear, so probably would not have noticed.
I have the tv on all night when the hubby's gone. Otherwise, I sit there and listen to every noise, wondering if someone's breaking in and then I can't sleep at all!
Sometimes I have a hard time turning it off when he's home!
Sorry you got woke up!
We have a tv in the bedroom that hasn't been turned on in over a year... my hubby refuses... but It would be nice to watch and cuddle sometimes... HMPH!
I didn't know you could set the timer to turn on ha ha ha... I feel silly!
Well, I DO have a tv in my room although the big Guru of All Time Oprah says we shouldn't. She also said years ago not to eat fried food or eat after 7:00 pm but me thinks she's broke some of those rules so I bet she's got a 52" flat screen hangin' on her bedroom wall. (Someone check into that...)
I hate it when I forget to set the sleep timer and I wake up to crap. Usually go right back to sleep though. May I offer my condolences in your time of need.
I hate waking up to infomercials. I seem to have the same problems and frequently wake up to some jackass telling me about buying and forclosed homes for a profit lately.
You could get two remotes and see who can click the fastest!
that would make me crazy too!
Hey Brandy,
Make sure you wrestle that remote away from him tonight!
I've got a 'green' award for you at my place. The code is at the very bottom of the post...
We don't have a timer, but Bob usually cuts the tv off around midnight (way past my bedtime). This was after I complained about waking up at 3 am night after night watching Gabe Kaplan play poker. And you know, if he was funny before, he isn't any more.
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