For the last couple weeks, I've been falling asleep between 9-10 and waking up in the middle of the night multiple times Sometimes it's to go to the bathroom. (All this water I've been drinking has to go somewhere.) Sometimes it's because my hubs has gotten up early and he wakes me up. But most of the time it's for no apparent reason.
Last night I woke up at 3AM and vividly remembered the dream I was having. Let me be clear - I am one of those freaky people that dream EVERY night. Every. Single. Night.

I don't remember most of them unless I make a point to go over my thoughts as soon as I'm awake. The dream wasn't too significant but there were some weird things going on.
-I was in my childhood home which is typical.
-I was with an old friend that I haven't seen in over a decade and had no reason to think of.
-I was around 16 or 17 because I was old enough to drive. Even though in real life I didn't drive till I was 18.
-I was talking to a boy in WV. I've never had a boyfriend from WV, but we do have plans to visit our friends in West Va so I assume that's where that part came from.
-The boy was faceless. I have no idea who he was but it doesn't matter because that wasn't the important part of the dream.
-We had to eat dinner and my Mom, niece & nephew were there. You may recall that my parents were divorced before I was 16, not to mention that my niece & nephew didn't exist then. I guess those two were just too cute not to include.
All odd things, but the most important part of the dream was that I was talking on a CELLPHONE. I was texting on a CELLPHONE.
Apparently my cellphone is so important to me that I am now dreaming about it instead sleeping.

No freakin' way dude. But I do need to get some sleep...
I know nothing about dream interpretation, sorry. Have you been dealing with anxiety lately, that can often wake you during the night. I sure hope you get better rest soon.
LOL. About the dream, not the lack of sleep.
I have very strange dreams and dream every night also. My childhood home is ALWAYS in my dreams, no matter what.
Gotta love the wierd dreams. I always have freaky ones when i'm preggo... I also don't sleep a lot... hmmmmmmmmmmm
I was in highschool in my dream last night, but married with my hubs... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Oh man I thought I was the only freakazoid who remembers all her dreams. Hope you get some rest soon!
I'm a dreamer, too! Almost every single night. It's fun most of the time. I do have a lot of 'faceless' people in my dreams.
I could go on and on, but this is your blog, not mine.
Get some rest tonight, would ya?
I don't remember my dream either. I haven't for years.
Must be something in the air, I've been having sleep issues too
I am one of those weird people who dream every single night, too. Haven't dreamed about my cell phone yet, though. At least not that I remember. What kind of cell phone do you have that has worked its way into your dreams?
that is a crazy dream.
Whenever my sleep gets really messed up, I have the oddest dreams too.
i have some crazy dreams too...but my peeps usually have faces!
I have strange sleeping habits, too. And I usually can't remember my dreams. But the most vivid one I've ever had? It involved Josh Groban.
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