And then out of the blue I find one that doesn't make me want to hurl...

This picture took on a whole new persona in black & white that I just couldn't believe. Dare I say that I actually liked it.
But I would be remiss if I didn't post the original since I had a legitimate reason for taking a picture of myself last night.

Proudly rocking the fuchsia and flaunting (yet again) that I never act my age.
Take that you whippersnapper biatches!
Just remember, you're older and you have more insurance.
Love the fuchsia! But you're right - the B/W pic is way cool.
That IS a really good picture. Fuchsia looks good on you.
You are beautiful! The fuschia is totally fun. Black and white pics always get me though, something about them - isn't that weird.
Great it!!!
Love the pink hair, I so want some!!!
You are totally rocking the fuschia. LOVE it!
You are beautiful, look great in fuschia, and have Fab Hair!! I do like this picture a little more than the one with your tongue stuck out.
Look at those eyes!!! I love black and white photos. They are quite lovely. We need to figure out how to photoshop your b&w to include the pink streak!
Great pic and totally love the hot pink hair!
LOL @ TMM's comment.
OMG... I think I'm having an 80's flashback. Fuchsia is definitely your color chick.
Awesome! I love them both!
would it be wrong if I copied you?? I love the pink
Meow!! lol I like the pink very fun!
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