Probably because you've been spanking my ass at it.
Seriously, Kat what's your secret? How do you get scores that high? Jayme, maybe you can shed some light since you've also surpassed my score.
I NEED to know the secret. S & I are in a fierce competition to be the ultimate winner in our house. We've been battling it out for the last few days...first me on top, then him, then me, then him.
Is it getting hot in here or is it just me? *Ahem*
As of bedtime on Monday S was in the lead, but then a miracle happened. The tournament ended yesterday; meaning that all the scores reset.
Yesterday I played that game so many times my eyes crossed, but I managed to get to 45,500. Still so far from the 50k medal that I wanted. SO. BAD.

Although it was enough to stay ahead of S.
For one day anyway.
What's your current obsession? Are you competitive?
**In case you missed my "hellz yeah" message on FB, I just scored over 64,000! Hey S- stuff that in your pipe and smoke it!**
HA HA! Some days I have good games and some days I can barely hit 8,000... :) I think it's the background color that helps, getting the hyper ball and all the 2, 3 or 4x ups. If you get 4 or 5 in a row that really REALLY bumps the score.
I cannot let myself get sucked into that game - it would not be pretty - I am not any good, but I am competitive, and I need my sleep - not a good combo at all.
My current obsession is getting my son-13 ready for hi Kilimanjaro trip, but you already knew that.
Yes, it was getting a little warm. LOL.
Never played and probably wont. Facebook is SOOOOO slow for me. It's the only site that is slow. I don't get it.
I played a few times and said "screw it!" I could not get very far and I really dont' think it's designed to let you go further than a certain score, they want you to buy the full version. I went to FarmTown hehehe!
I'll love you BECAUSE you don't have 50,000. I have Bejeweled on my phone (or i used to until I switched phones) and would play it when I was waiting somewhere for something, which of course meant lots of games stopped in the middle and picked up days later. 50,000? Never.
Obsession? I'm currently without one, other than the strong NEED for organization in my house. I'm on the hunt for toy storage in the play area.
I do not know these FB games and I don't think that I want to. ;) But good luck.
sorry I have been MIA, I will catch up don't worry!
You won my giveaway for a hair bow or flower, make sure you send me your choice and mailing address. :) Thanks!!!
The Buzz,
I've actually never played that game before..
I love bejeweled. I have the full version on my desktop computer. I know. It's a sickness. But...when I play on facebook...it's usually on the laptop...which means I am doing it without a mouse. I keep thinking that I'll go downstairs to the regular computer with a mouse and crack 200K...but I am lazy like that. I have no tips. I think it's all luck.
And obsession...for facebook...it's farmtown. It's an incredible time waster. You guys should do that. And see who can get a house the fastest...who can get hired the fastest...I am sure that it can spark all kinds of competition...
I am crazy obsessed with Bejeweled. As a matter of fact, I have it open in another window. Is it just me or is that voice strangely mesmerizing?
I haven't been sucked into FarmTown yet... but this Bejeweled game looks fun!
ha ha ha That game is addicting, I play it other places and haven't for a hwile because I have too much to do and it doesn't get done with that dang addicting game. I will have to join you on FB one day and see if I can catch you i'm rusty and out of practice. But I understand the obsession.
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