Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Have you ever felt that way? I'm just here and I got a case of the "lazies". (I realize this is not a word and probably would not be spelled like that if it were, but I'm too lazy to care.) There are so many things I should be doing.

For one my house needs a serious good cleaning. I talking about top to bottom, windowsills, baseboards, the whole enchilada. But instead of cleaning on Sunday, I took a nap. Definite lack of motivation here.

I also need to get rolling on the baby shower, shop for birthday presents and Christmas (HELLO! It's less than 4 months away...yes, I said LESS THAN), work on booster projects, and at this very moment I should be working instead of blogging.

I suppose it's everything combined that makes it all seem overwhelming and it's got me psyched out. I've been slacking on my menu plans and making new recipes...instead we had a frozen food mecca at my house last week.

I need to get on track. And quick.

I have some good news though. (No, I did not save a bunch of money on my car insurance...)

I think Mickey has taken up residence somewhere else (based on the amount of poison around my house, I would say he's in mice heaven) but I'm still keeping an eye out for any evidence.

And I've taken a look at the new TV line up for this fall...lots to look forward to including the "new" 90210, Gossip Girl, The Shield and last but not least True Blood on HBO.

You know I ♥ vampires!

I just realized the other day this has been a thing of mine for a long time. When I was younger, think middle school age, I loved, loved, loved the original Salem's Lot and I would stay up late on school night's to watch it over and over unbeknownst to my parents.

What shows are you looking forward to?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was in a funk last week, thankfully I shook it off and have been cleaning and organizing like crazy since the weekend. I don't watch tv so I don't have any favorite shows.... sorry!