What possession of your spouse's/significant other's would you most like to throw away?
His "swishy" pants. They would be more commonly known as nylon athletic pants, that just happen to make that "swish, swish" sound when he walks.
swish, swish
Although they do make it impossible for him to sneak up on me...
swish, swish
...And it makes him really easy to find in a store.
swish, swish
Too bad they are a potential fire hazard from all the friction...
swish, swish
Not to mention down right ugly!
I'd like to swish, swish them right in the garbage.
OMGosh I hate swishy pants...kinda like nails on a chalkboard!!
LOL. (I'm visiting from Shannon's by the way). So true. My husband hardly wears his swishy pants so I'm lucky! :-)
"swish swish" pants are so outdated and well swishy!
Maybe they can have an accident that they can't come back from. Like a wild pack of unruly scissors?!
I am thankful that Jeff doesn't wear pants like that. Those would be annoying.
Love love LOVE that,, your hysterical and I can actually HEAR the swisshing!
My husband's free weights. He has these huge arm curl weights and he keeps them by his bed and everytime I go to make the bed I stub my toe. I just want to hurt him badly when I do that. He just tells me not to forget they are there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aggggghhhhhh!
That is too funny, I hate those things too. My daughter had some when she was little, needless to say, we don't buy those anymore.
LOL. That is too funny. They are definitely annoying pants!
But you are correct... it does make it hard for him to sneak up on you. Shane does that to me ALL THE TIME... maybe I should get him some swishy pants...
The girls used to have those pants...we always called them noisy pants! I wish they still had them a few weeks ago when it snowed. But my husband...thank goodness he doesn't have any. There are so many clothes of his that I'd like to throw away. He hasn't changed sizes in forevah...so he still has jeans from the early 90s...and they really need to go away.
Hahaha, my husband doesn't have swishy pants, but he does tuck his tracksuit pants into his socks! Try to visualise it...I think it was a trend some time in the 80's!
No swishy pants, but I would give anything to throw away his ratty, holey, pit sweat stained FRATERNITY t-shirts!!!
No swishy pants, but I would give anything to throw away his ratty, holey, pit sweat stained FRATERNITY t-shirts!!!
swishy pants r no fun! im glad hubby doesnt have any! but remember when they were all the thing! My hubbys thing are a pair of freaking pleather pants....RED pleather pants......they are awful!
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His gym membership and those squeaky shoes. But mostly the gym membership.
He's always and I mean always at that gym...at least for 3 hours at a time.
I hate those.... kids had them when they were little... they magically disappeared.
Neil has a BRIGHT orange sweatshirt with a cartoon keg on it and his high school name. It was from a reunion a couple of years ago and he wears it all the time. It is so awful, I can't even fully describe it. At least it doesn't make any noise, though!
His gps. I do enjoy using it myself, but when he uses it - argh. He drives me crazy. He will use it to get to the grocery store down the street or to someplace I know how to get to and can give him directions. Have you ever seen that seen in RV with Robin Williams where the gps is saying go right and the wife is saying go left - I tell you they stole that from me.
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