I'm wearing these today:

And drinking hazelnut coffee from this wonderful machine:

I saw this on the road today & thought how cool?!

Mending wounds after getting my butt whooped in darts last night.

While breathing plenty of this because Virginia's anti-smoking law is a joke.

My clothes need to be put away again. Obviously.

But I will have plenty of time since it's going to do this again tomorrow:
I would much rather be wearing these:

I think your hair looks great straight. And i happen to love those socks too!
I loved your hair straight, shows how much I know LOL. I am deeply depressed as I just found out we might get MORE SNOW this weekend... ugh, pack up your flops and let's just go somewhere warm I can't take it anymore!
Like the straight hair...and your clothes pile reminds me a lot of Mariah's!!
I never get rid of the pile of cloths laying on my bed or next to it. Look at it this way, at least you have a super cute comfortor. Is that zebra print? Way cool!
I like the straight hair!!! Cute stuff... sorry about the snow.
How can you deal with the smoke?? And...I don't think I have ever played darts. I wonder if there is a board at the November cabin?
I like the straight hair. But I like the curly, too. On the rare ocassions that I get my hair cut, I always have them straighten it. It's such a novelty.
Did Kat just say she's never played darts?
Although Joe beats me every single time, so I don't even get sad anymore. Once in a while I whoop up on him at pool, so that helps my ego :)
We're supposed to be getting about 6" of snow this weekend, but at least I'm not scheduled to work. Maybe this will be winter's last hurrah?
We can hope.
btw, I liked your straight hair!
that is a really cool truck.
I bought my hubby that "wonderful machine" for Christmas and he is LOVING it! Once I'm no longer pregnant/nursing, I'm looking forward to trying some chai tea from the old machine. So far I haven't been able to find decaf chai k-cups.
I like the straight hair too, and my clothes are NEVER put away.
Egads! Would you please send some of that dang snow my way???? I'm dying here! Cold winter sucks with no snow!
I like the straight hair, but how comes you didn't make me the winner of the Keurig? I'm TOTALLY PO'D!!
I'm never talking to you again.
I jus keeding.
I like the straight hair!
And... I've never played darts, either.
I think Kat & I are gonna get schooled in November...
The straight hair looks AWESOME! Don't listen to your family. And I'm loving the socks, or are they tights? I bought a pair of tights like that last fall and although the package said large and I was easily within the size range those bitches were damn near transparent in the thigh region. That is until they blew out in the crotch. This proud moment brought to you by Target.
Enjoy the snow. :)
I like your hair straight or curly! The anti-smoking law is ineffective?
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE our machine!! Sunshine wants to take it with him when he goes to his new job... I packed the old regular coffee pot and told him where to buy coffee.
Straight or curly you have beaitiful hair. Love the socks!
I love your pluggers!!! (thongs) they rock!!!
Hi, love the straight hair...did you get an Instyler?? I got one, and love it!! The truck, that just rocks!! And the flipflops are just the cutest....but would love some snow down her...thinking of taking the family to Utah, probably not til next Jan, next year for a good dose of snow....
I have to say, I realy, Really, REALLY like your hair straight.
The BC pink truck is awesome!
When I saw the pile of clothes I was wondering when you snuck into my house and took that picture. Yep, I got piles too.
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