I remember when I lived in a rural area of SE Pa, turkeys would venture out into the wide open country roads. They are dumbest animals on in the world. Once, I was out driving with my son who was about six at the time and it was around Thanksgiving, and he asked why the turkeys weren't hiding. I told him they have a better chance of getting hit by a car than being someone's Thanksgiving dinner. Needless to say, my son refused to eat turkey that Thanksgiving.
I remember when I lived in a rural area of SE Pa, turkeys would venture out into the wide open country roads. They are dumbest animals on in the world. Once, I was out driving with my son who was about six at the time and it was around Thanksgiving, and he asked why the turkeys weren't hiding. I told him they have a better chance of getting hit by a car than being someone's Thanksgiving dinner. Needless to say, my son refused to eat turkey that Thanksgiving.
Ooo, I love the photos of the red bird!
Ooo...I love your cardinal in the snow. I need one of those to go with mine in the dogwood tree.
And it's snowing here now. It's sooo pretty. I just don't want to be stuck at my house!
Wow, great pics. So, are you staking out your Thanksgiving Day feast?
Amazing that you didn't have at least 4 hunters in your backyard! If you post turkey recipes tomorrow, I will die laughing! :)
You're seeing signs of spring? Lucky. I'm in the freaking arctic circle.
LOVE cardinals. They remind me of my Grandma....
And Turkeys!! We have oodles of them around here too. Can't tell you how many times I've slammed on the brakes so as not to squish them.
Loved the pics! I cant wait for signs of spring! Altho i dont know about u but this yr is moving by fast..
My hubs would shoot the turkey....yeah hes a hunter, they wouldnt survive
Dude... it's dinner... no coupon needed.
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