Though the "less is more" trend is apparently what's in season these days because yesterday I came upon short sleeved sweaters.

Not cardigans. Not light, summer weight sweaters. But full blown cable knit, WINTER sweaters. With short, and in some cases no, sleeves.
I realize that everyone may not be exposed to the frigid temperatures of winter. However this is ALL I could find in stores yesterday. In VIRGINIA where we do actually have WINTER temps.
Besides the logistics of it, if I pay that much for a sweater I would very much like the WHOLE sleeve. Thankyouverymuch.
I need some guidance on this season's fashion scene or I shall be forced to buy holiday sweaters with pumpkins & Santas bedazzled on the front. Hell, at least they come equipped with full length sleeves.
I beg of you. Please explain this latest trend to me. Or tell me another trend that you are currently hating/loving.
The trend is that if you buy these sweaters then you will also have to buy a long sleeve something to wear under the sweater thereby making two purchases instead of one. Really, I have no clue, but it just does not look right at all.
YES! My other pet peeve? Short sleeved coats. Coats? Yes, coats. Does this make any sense at all? No.
I dont get it!!!
I'm with Too Many Hats, you would have to wear a long sleeve T under it, which might actually be cute... hmmm. Otherwise, ridiculous!
Ummm DUMB trend. I need sleeves please.
I agree. That's just ridiculous.
I will tell you what I love though. The bright color, fun pattern trend. I'm a probably a little too excited that my childhood is coming back into style, and it's a little cooler than it was the first time (i.e. the 80's). Even though I'm getting too old for some of it. :) It's more about the reminiscing I think lol.
I don't understand it either.
That being said I do own a short sleeved sweater, but it is light weight, so I don't think it counts.
Maybe your supposed to wear a long sleeved shirt underneath?!
In any case, I agree with you. Fashion should be functional, and a sweater's purpose is to keep one warm in winter, hence the need for both sleeves to be LONG!
I don't get that either...
Fashion has always confused me.
I agree with you. I'd end up having to pay for something else to wear under it just to be warm.
Stupid fashions.
I've never understood sleeveless turtleneck sweaters either. When in the world do you wear them? Okay, truth is... I knitted myself a sleeveless turtleneck sweater this one time (because the pattern was freaking adorable) and then I could never wear it anywhere because the weather was NEVER APPROPRIATE so i gave it to my mother (who probably never wears it either, but at least i don't have to look at it anymore).
Um... I have sleeveless turtlenecks... because I like the look of a turtle neck under a sweater... but (this is back in the day before I became one of those people who is always cold)... but back in the day a whole turtle neck with long sleeves under a whole sweater was a recipe for a football-player-in-hot-weather type collapse...
Stay away from the pumpkins and the Santas or is the intention to embarass the kids?
I think it's better to be cold and sweaterless than to wear santas and pumpkins unless your 60+ and babysitting your grandkids
Shopping at Kohl's last week, all I saw where belted sweaters. UGH. Really cute sweaters... but they all HAD A SKINNY LITTLE BELT with them. I'm sorry, but I don't want or need anything to accentuate my flabby waist.
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