*Why it is so hard for people to use their turn signals? It doesn't hurt. I promise.
*Who thought "untrimmed chest" would make good lyrics in Trains "Hey Soul Sister"? Unless the song is about Chewbacca. But I don't think it is...

*Why the city is working on a major landscaping project...when budget woes are forcing them to close schools and raise the meal tax? Besides the fact that they could not afford to maintain parks & other public areas last year, bushes should be the LAST thing they spend money on.
*Signs in the same city say "DUI Illegal - City Wide". Are there cities that allow it some areas but not others? I think I'll skip a visit to those towns.
*Why are the teen & his gf holding a gnome during Prom pictures?**

**Because the photographer made them. And when I say "photographer" I mean ME.
Are you gonna explain the gnome? I feel like you should! They look so nice in the photo! Pretty girl!
Heidi has lost her mind. She has crossed over to the plastic dark side now.
That is a great picture. :)
Heidi is going to end up looking like that freaky cat-woman who went overboard on plastic surgery.
Nice gnome, did you put it back in the garden when you were finished?
Heidi is just desperately trying to be infamous. She has no talent and no class, so she is approaching it from the only angle she knows how: notoriety. She's a freak.
When you figure out why the gov't does most of the things it does, will you tell me? Because right now they seem like a bunch of manic lunatics.
Can't wait to hear the story on the gnome!
I've been away so long that when I came back, I didn't recognize it here...
That'll teach me.
Heidi scares me. Teen's date's dress is awesome. (and approrpriate and NOT skanky!)
What's that gnome in?
Is even 20% of Heidi real? Based on those floaters on the front, she could have saved all of the people from the Titanic if she would have been their flotation device.
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