I love every minute of it.
Even if it only takes a minute. A minute to brew that is, cause I got this little baby from QVC and have fell madly, deeply in love.

Every morning I tweet about what flavor I'm drinking and then say Amen. Cause it's THAT good. And easy.
Before the Keurig, S always made the coffee because while I'm gifted in many, many areas I just never felt like I made a good cup of coffee. That meant on mornings when he wasn't working or out of town, yours truly was coffee-less.
Not a good situation. At. All.
Now we both have steaming hot cups o'joe in whatever flavor we want. This morning he had extra bold and I'm enjoying Gloria Jean's hazelnut. I even ordered some K-Cups called Santa's Brew yesterday so that we celebrate Christmas the proper way.
The Keurig way.
**While yes I am pimping this machine, it's not because I received a dang thing for free. I bought this from QVC because it was a Today's Special Value and on easy pay. (Holla! I love easy pay.) Having said that I'm not above accepting free stuff so... Keurig hook a girl up k?
I love it because not only does it make you happy by brewing the perfect cup of coffee, but it looks all shiny and sparkly too.
I love mine, too.
And no, I'm not a coffee drinker. I use mine to make tea and hot cocoa for myself.
BUT... my mom and sister complained that they could never have coffee while over at my house since I didn't have a coffee maker (Shane doesn't drink the stuff, either). So the Keurig is perfect.
We got ours about a month ago and LOVE it! I'm not a coffee drinker, but use it for tea all the time or hot chocolate. Dh and dd are the big drinkers and they use it all the time. We use that quite a bit too.
Somehow my sentence - Did you get the reusable K-Cup too? Lets you use your own coffee - was erased. It came right before "we use that quite a bit too"
I so want one of those!!
I jealous.... I want Santa to bring me a Keurig. I was good this year. All the kiddies are still breathing. ;-)
I'll have to tell Greg about this gem. I don't drink coffee, but he'd like it! He LOVES coffee!!
I love this thing!!! So fast, efficient, yummy and relatively no clean up. Can't beat that with a stick!
If this thing can make a mean Chai Tea Latte, sign me up!
I have heard nothing but raves on this machine!
Love your disclaimer at the end..lol Thanks for stopping by on my SITS day it is nice to meet you. Have a wonderful holiday season :)
Neil's coffee pot is on it's last leg. Maybe I should get him one of these?! He drinks A LOT, though. Is it good for heavy drinkers, too?
Hmmm... I am intrigued! Have never heard of it but LOVE me some coffee. Might have to try one of these!
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm coffee.
I have eyeballed those but all ways worried about running out of refills.
Ooooohhhh! I'm dying to get this. I put it on my list, but I don't think that I was a good enough girl that Santa will be leaving anything but coal in my stocking.
What's your favorite flavor????
Thanks for stopping my blog. I'm digging yours too!
Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner?
My coffee pots only seem to last a year or so. When this one dies, I am SO buying a Keurig!
Good luck on getting some free stuff. Just don't hold your breath.
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